Free Trial

Milwaukee, WI

Welcome to the Milwaukee User Group

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Alteryx Grand Prix

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend the Milwaukee Alteryx User Group meeting last week.  It was a great success with some wonderful presentations from Artisan Partners and Continuus Technologies (thanks Brandi and John!!).


If you missed the meeting one thing we discussed was the Alteryx Grand Prix.  We need to draft a team of three by Friday (March 31, 2017) to represent Milwaukee.


If you want to participate please reach out to one of the User Group Leaders, or reply to this post.


During the week of April 3rd, there will be 30 minute 'time trials' via webex for each of our three members where you will be competing against other user groups.  


Scores for the user groups will be aggregated and the top teams will compete at the Inspire conference in Las Vegas (June 5, 2017).  Free tickets are available to winners, and one team member at least must attend.


With your help, I am sure we can win!  Please check out THIS Blog post for more information.