The 2024 Grand Prix was a spectacle to be hold at the Venetian in Las Vegas.
Over 100 racers participated in the preliminary race simulations in Maveryx Nation. The top times were all close and gave us our 5th racer for the event plus the Pit Crews.
Congrats to Alex Ab-Najm @alexnajm for winning the prelims!
And congrats to the Pit Crew members:
Lynne Sonney @lynnesonney
Ollie Clarke @OllieClarke
Leo Zhang @leozhang2work
Matt Montgomery @mmontgomery
Robbin Vernooij @robbinrv
We also want to give a huge shout out to our All Star racers.
Claire Mccollough @clmc9601
Molly Harris @harrame
Ben Gardner-Moss @BenMoss
Jean Baptiste Pinet @Jean-Balteryx
For those of you who didn't attend I'm sure the suspense of who won is driving you crazy (pun intended)!
Congratulations to Molly Harras the winner of the 15th Anniversary Alteryx Grand Prix!
Special shout out to Ed Green from McLaren for presenting the evenings data!
You will soon see the same workflows the racers were competing within the Weekly Challenges. See how fast you can solve them and maybe you'll make it to the stage.
@DanM - Any chance this was recorded for those of us who couldn't make it?
That was epic!
Thanks @DanM, was such a great event!
Super fun and nerve wrecking evening, thanks for organising @DanM !
What an experience indeed! It was a blast being on stage 😊 even though I'm bummed to have lost, the All Stars are amazing for a reason - shoutout to the racers for their incredible wisdom and kindness through the entire event. Plus thank you to the pit crew, especially my partner-in-crime @mmontgomery, for all the support!
It was fun to watch. Congrats all!
I am not sure but we can find it out at the beginning of next week.
We all missed you there. 😁
Thanks @Qiu ! Missed everyone too!
Such an incredible experience!
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