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#20 - London Alteryx User Group Meeting Round Up

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

The 20th London Alteryx User Group was certainly a huge success - Thank you all for coming!!! And for those who missed out @grodge13 will be posting a detailed re-cap here very shortly!


I know there has been a few requests for the slides, so please find attached the slides that myself @rafalolbert@savio_henriques@cgoodman3 & @LDuane talked you through.


All of the photos we took can be found on the MeetUp page at the link below, but if you took any good ones, please post them here for us to enjoy!

LAUG Holding.png


Joe Lipski
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thank you @Joe_Lipski and TEAM for amazing User Group meeting in London last Wednesday evening.  Great use cases with such diversity in applications of Alteryx.  Keep up the amazing spirit and learning for all.


"excuse me.  Do you speak #alteryx"?