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Kansas City Alteryx User Group 1Q22 Meeting Recap

11 - Bolide

Kansas City Alteryx User Group 1Q22 Meeting Recap

March 8, 2022, 2:00 to 3:00 PM CST


We had a small group—still have a bit of a COVID hangover—but we are hopeful the meeting was useful. Ashley started the meeting out with Alteryx Community and product updates. 


  • Alteryx Designer Cloud Demo; Unfortunately, a scheduling conflict meant we had to show a brief video instead of demoing the tool, as we had hoped. Basically, the power of Alteryx Designer will now be available in a cloud environment. Mac and Linux users should be particularly excited, but it will also help with license management, updates and improve access and experience for Designer users across the spectrum.

We had a bit of Q&A, as well.  Regarding the utilization of Alteryx in FP&A—there are 30 finance use cases on community, found here: We are also happy to explore presenting other use cases and trying to have some more basic use cases presented.  Please let us know if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions. Thank you all for taking the time out of your schedule to join, we hope it was valuable.


Here is the meeting recording:


Best Regards, 

Michael & Ashley @alv728