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Which Alteryx tools have you hacked?

12 - Quasar

I'll start:  Data Cleansing Tool


I was happy to see that the ability to remove null columns in the Data Cleansing tool! But I also wanted to be able to remove columns that were filled with a constant (e.g., all 'N/A', all with the same load date, or all 0's).


So, I drilled down to the sub-macro called removeNullColumns and changed the condition from CountNonNull to CountDistinct and subsequently filtered out where CountDistinct_Value <=1.

8 - Asteroid

@David-Carnes I also hacked the Publish to Tableau tool to get around network policy of updating passwords. But instead of requiring AD credentials, I setup authentication via personal access token (PAT) on Tableau site, which won't change.

12 - Quasar

@patrick_digan Thank you for sharing these excellent hacks! Data type in the formula tool, default to custom filter, and sample 1 record - yep, these hacks cut out the first clicks I repeatedly use on these tools! Well done. I have marked your response as a solution. 🙂

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora


Oh man, what a fantastic response thank you so much! 

I didn't know you could use the html developer tools like that, super cool to know, i've already got a few other ideas of things to change!

And thanks again, i'll definitely back it up! A mistake is pretty easily made in the html!


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@TheOC You bet! It was @jdunkerley79 who showed me this a couple years back and I ran wild with it.


15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora

Massive props to you both @patrick_digan @jdunkerley79 , You aces know how to think out the box!

12 - Quasar

@DN  I'm so going to change my macro to use this.  I had to burn a Creator license for the service account to have rights to upload data sources.

And this exchange exemplifies a benefit of conferences; the random conversations that casually drop knowledge into our heads.


Thank you and I hope to see you in Denver next year.
