Join the Alter.Nation and share how Alteryx alters your life and work! Submit your life-altering analytics story for a chance to win your spot on the Road to Inspire video series, a free pass to the Inspire 2018 conference where you will be featured on the main stage, and other fabulous prizes.
How does Alteryx alter YOUR life?
Participating is easy! All you have to do is address the following in your submission:
Pro-tip: Increase your chances to win! Surprise & Delight our sights, sounds, and emotions!
How to submit:
You can either reply here on the Inspire Buzz - OR - Use the hashtag #AlterNation & #Alteryx18 on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook to submit your entry. Make sure to mention @Alteryx.
In order to qualify you must include either a video OR photo(s) along with a written response.
UPDATE | EXTENDED DEADLINE! The contest will run from February 14th until March 30th, 2018.
When we say "WIN BIG," we mean it.
Entries will be judged by a qualified panel of Alteryx judges who will evaluate each entry based on the following criteria:
Check out the official rules here.
5/16/2018 -- UPDATE
Tune in to the ROAD TO INSPIRE video series, featuring our top three grand prize winners!
#1 How does Alteryx allow me kick ass at work?
- I use Alteryx so much that it hurts
- They say that robots will take our jobs, but alteryx is already reducing my workload
- I can send automated emails telling users off when they have fat fingers
- I can create automated reports showing trends
- I can create complex jobs which would otherwise sit in a queue with our development team
- I can change my world, your world, our world and the future world
#2 What do I do to fulfill my passions outside of work?
I am an poet
Here's how I "kick a$$" with Alteryx...
I lead the deployment of emerging data science and analytics technologies at Alaska Airlines to achieve successful business outcomes and competitive innovation. Alteryx is used by our analysts and data scientists as part of how we "Create an Airline People Love". Alteryx helps us to deliver "Remarkable Guest Experiences" and to "Run a Safe and On-Time Operation".
As a strategic program, our Alteryx adoption program emphasized three dimensions: People, Processes and Technology. All are required for sustainable solutions and effective change management. For all of you analytic thinkers out there, it's a simple formula:
People + Processes + Technology => Sustainable Analytics Solutions with Successful Business Outcomes
This formula is my "Road to Inspire". Really. I invite you to come hear me share at Inspire about the playbook that I used for Alaska Airlines' successful Alteryx adoption program; how we empower Citizen Data Scientists; and how we practice data science as a "team sport".
My "Road to Inspire" has everything to do with one of my passions... visiting the State of Alaska. Alaska Airlines flies into 20 locations in Alaska, and it's my goal to visit all 20. I've been to 15. Alteryx is helping to grow the data culture at the airline that allows me to pursue one of my passions.
Please enjoy the essence of Alaska that I've captured during my travels to Adak, Anchorage, Barrow, Bethel, Cordova, Deadhorse/Prudhoe Bay, Fairbanks, Glacier Bay/Gustavus, Juneau, Ketchikan, Kodiak, Nome, Sitka, Wrangell, and Yakutat.
And, I hope to see you at Inspire in June!
Heather Harris
Data Scientist and Solutions Architect
Alaska Airlines
#FlyTechAlaska #IAmAlaska #IFlyAlaska #MoreToLove #MostWestCoast
The importance of time saved in manual tasks such as workflow completion, report generation etc., through automation has been paramount for me in my organization- Gain Theory. Alteryx to me has served as the perfect enabler to fill the void of having an intelligent data analytics tool. I have been using Alteryx’s salient features for projects like performing complex digital cost calculation by binding data from various data sources at different granularities together.
With Alteryx, self-sufficient workflows are created, complex SQL codes are made more efficient and that amounts to data processing which usually took at least 5 days of manual work, to be reduced to 6-9 hours of automated report execution. Using Alteryx, providing regular reporting to media planners has been made simpler by creating analytic apps and publishing them on Alteryx server. This furthers utilization of Alteryx and Python to proficiently process/manage data and effectively maintain pipeline of data processing. Finally, Alteryx facilitates creation of self-reliant processes for managing of data.
Using Alteryx for almost two years now for various use cases, has definitely made me a kick **bleep** and a total analytic badassery at work!
#AlterNation #Alteryx18
My passion outside of work is to travel. Traveling has enabled me to rediscover myself every time I pick my travel bag and my camera. Meeting new people, experiencing the different landscapes and their flora and fauna have only made me realize that I am only a miniscule in the mountain. I moved to the USA in 2015 and in three years, I have visited 20 states. Awesome right?! My travel goal is to visit all the 50 states by 2020! Wish me luck!
I am also passionate about taking photographs and they go into my travel diaries as my treasured memories.My travel!
The half dome @ Yosemite
Good Morning SFO!
Sunset at Grand Canyon!
Me in action @ Death Valley National Park
I have been using alteryx from more than an year now and it's been great to start my Data Science journey with a tool that makes, handling the data, fast and easy.
I have been amazed by the speed at which the tool consumes large amount of data and process it, with great efficiency. The simple approach of understanding the tools functionality and using them for solving our complex day-to-day work problems, is a true bliss. I actually didn't know that it was possible to integrate a number of data sources, define rules for manipulating the data from them via workflows and automate them to avoid the need of any manual intervention, on daily basis. It's just been GREAT!!
As an aspiring data scientist, it gave me a way to easily explore and understand the data which can be extremely complex when coming from multiple systems/sources. I feel more confident now, having a tool with me which allows me to perform in-depth analysis of data, in a short time. Also, the automation allows to perform important tasks related to data, without relying on any manual efforts.
Along with the easiness and efficiency, the wide range of tools provides a number of features which could be a herculean task, if done by plain SQL or PL/SQL. There is a tool for almost everything, which can be done with data. If there is not, there is definitely a workaround using a combination of tools. The savior at tough time is the Alteryx community itself where u get answers(almost 95%) of any issues, you may be facing.
In short, it's been an enriched experience working in alteryx and i look forward to keep enhancing my knowledge further.
Alteryx is the ultimate capacity builder for our team and our clients. There are few tools available today with the breadth of features and functionality that Alteryx brings to the table. We use Alteryx to push our thinking and perceptive to new levels. Alteryx always finds a way to be a part of the journey as our partners continue to mature their data strategy.
Here's a picture showing how we approach solving some of our most interesting problems.
The Thrill of Solving in Action!
After work, I like to apply the same thinking to building and maintaining antique motorcycles. Still thrilling, but a bit dirtier! :)
Here is my entry!
Alteryx has changed the way I look and analyze data. I like to go on runs/hike and have been using an app called Strava. Some of you might not know, but you can actually pull the data using API's from the app and look at different kinds of data (your speed, time, elevation etc..). I decided to use the power of Alteryx and create the Strava Connector so I can pull the data whenever I want and analyze it. It was a fun and exciting project, definitely learned a lot!
2. Show us what YOU do to fulfill your passions outside of work.
Alteryx makes me feel on top of the world! It has made me excited for work and I leave happier than I ever have at another job! Can't wait to continue down this road to feel inspired each and every day! #AlterNation #Alteryx18 #WhistlerBC
Alteryx INSPIREs me to "continentally divide" and conquer analytic problems for our customers all over the world. Alteryx INSPIREs me to think beyond the boundaries while supporting the most amazing customer base!
Last Day Today For The Entry To Road To Inspire!!!
Hurry Up! - Don't Forget To Give Stars/Likes to the entries that you like and most important submit your own entry too.