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Use Case: Supply Chain Forecasting - American Healthcare Providers

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

In @andyde latest post on the Industry Forum, he dives into challenges that many are facing while trying to balance supply chain disruption and keeping it business as usual.


For Healthcare Providers and Public Health, the outbreak of the pandemic is creating unprecedented challenges - from disrupted supply chains and the inability to adequately protect patients and healthcare personnel, to a massive shortage of capacity, personnel, drugs, devices, testing kits and supplies.


I want highlight what the analytics team at American Healthcare Provider. With Alteryx, the team is using automation and repeatable workflows to create a streamlined solution to analyze and help them make decisions for their supply chain organization.This group took a process that took over 40 hours, sometimes weeks or months before seeing any changes, that now cuts their previous process by 75% and save hundreds of hours!


By cutting this time out of their process they have been able to focus on supply and inventory analysis. Much to what we are seeing today, there are shortages for things like ventilators, testing kits and PPE's. Are there shortages you are seeing in your own organization? How are you overcoming these shortages? 


For more information on this use case and others like it, check out the Alteryx Use Cases.


Many thanks,



Chris Shernaman | User Group Coordinator

cshernaman@alteryx.com | @ChrisS 

Chris Shernaman
Community Manager