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Industry Discussions

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Tax From a Technologist's Point of View

12 - Quasar

Hi All --


I love the industry discussion and feel they provide some great value as it helps you translate your Alteryx learning with real-world examples (best way to learn). I see some Tax-related posts that might come from either a Tax person or a Tax person who has moved into technology -- otherwise, known as a Tax Technology - it's a real thing, there even is a whole conference dedicated to it.


If I go under the assumption that many of the Tax people in the Tax & Audit Industry discussion are more tax-focused or tax people who moved into technology; would anyone be interested in hearing some ideas from a technology person who has worked in a corporate tax department for over 10 years? My thinking is that some users who did not grow up on the technical side of the house might not know some avenues you can go down in streamlining and automating using Alteryx.


I might be able to provide some insight from the other side of the house. While my experience and discussion will most likely relate to Tax people, they could translate to other industries as well.


Let me know your thoughts! 🙂






5 - Atom

That would be great - would be very interested in this

12 - Quasar

Hi All --


My first blog post was published today! Please let me know what you think!




