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Houston, TX

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Chat about meeting next week? Spatial interest + public school teacher friend

8 - Asteroid

Hello, I am going to be in Houston next week and am inspired at the Nashville, TN Inspire conference to explore meeting with a fellow Alteryx user or employee while I am there. I have two big interests but I would enjoy discussing an informal meeting with whomever:

1) I have a good friend who is an English teacher at Harmony Science Academy and would love to explore connecting her with Alteryx given her school's focus on using data disaggregation to improve student outcomes as well as her position's use of a data tracking lab. 


2) Spatial data - the talks I have seen at Inspire have impressed me greatly and I have a number of spatial ideas. My employer has kindly provided me the spatial data package and I have performed geocoding in conjunction with the grid tool. I would love to talk with someone about creating a macro to better identify outliers via grid blocks of appropriate patient counts, possibly using the iterative macros John Hollingsworth of Clear Channel kindly has provided us in the Alteryx Gallery.


I am based out of Durham, NC and hope to make the most of my time in Houston. If you are interested in talking Alteryx next week (June 17 - June 21), please reach out!

8 - Asteroid

Thank you to Alteryx User Group Coordinator, Chris Shernaman, for inspiring me to post this message.