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Wednesday, October 12, 2022
Tune in to the Alteryx Pro Services Lunch & Learn, featuring the accomplished and knowledgeable Sam Johnson, Director of Resident Consulting, to learn more about his role and the Alteryx Professional Services Team! https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_ZWQ4MzgxNzYtOTAzMS00ZmNjLTg3YzktNjQ5OTNmMjBjMjRj%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22522f39d9-303d-488f-9deb-a6d77f1eafd8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22f0df019f-fd4a-4d93-ad71-e9f34ead7c2b%22%7d     Alteryx created the SparkED program to empower learners of all skill levels — across all disciplines and areas of study — to further develop the analytics skills they need to question, understand, and solve with data.   Have you ever wondered how you can use your Alteryx skills for technical consulting roles? Did you know Alteryx has a Professional Services team, where customers can leverage the vast experience of the pro services professionals to make the most of their Alteryx investment, speed deployment and enhance their competitive advantage? These Alteryx experts help customers solve their toughest business problems with the Alteryx platform – whether it’s marketing, finance, operations, real estate, sales and beyond!   Tune in to the Alteryx Pro Services Lunch & Learn, featuring the accomplished and knowledgeable Sam Johnson, Director of Resident Consulting, to learn more about his role and the Alteryx Professional Services Team! When (Updated): Wednesday, October 12 th 12 – 1 pm PST Where: Virtual - Microsoft Teams Link Meet Sam     Sam is an accomplished leader, builder, and integrator of advanced analytics and data science teams across financial services, health care, consumer packaged goods, and technology at both agencies and consultancies. Sam has introduced, implemented, and used Alteryx products for more than 7 years. He is passionate about using data to find the hidden stories and patterns that solve problems, reach goals, and test hypotheses and believes Alteryx is the linchpin to the democratization of analytics. Sam’s first-hand experience as a practitioner puts him in a unique position to effectively hire against customer requirements and lead the Professional Services team as the direct delivery business grows. Alteryx Professional Services is the backbone of the company’s offering to implement our products and services on behalf of our customers, to “do it for them”. Professional Services currently has two roles: the Professional Services Engineer (PSE) and the Resident Consultant (RC). The PSE is a short-term technical consultant that delivers fixed-fee projects, custom development or optimization engagements, and handles some instructor-led training. The RC is a one-year embedded engagement for highly custom projects revolving around technical, analytics democratization, and process and automation opportunities. They are cream of the crop consultants who are as comfortable with business CxOs as they are technical leadership. Sam lives outside Kansas City in a Kansas suburb with his wife of 25 years, Jennifer, and they are incredibly proud of their two children, Spenser, 22, who graduated in May from the University of Iowa with a biochemistry degree and is in New Haven, CT for two years of brain cancer research at Yale’s Smilow Cancer Hospital while studying for the MCATs, and their daughter Katie, 19, a freshman at Kansas State University studying psychology and continuing her celebrated and award-winning choral experience. The Johnson family wouldn’t be complete without their 15-year-old Schnoodle, Annie. In his spare time Sam loves to smoke and grill a variety of meats for friends and family on his gas grill, Traeger pellet smoker, or Big Green Egg.
Monday, December 19, 2022
Microsoft Teams - Registration Link Included in Event Description
This workshop series is for students and learners who are eager for more advanced Alteryx use cases, and ready to take their skill level beyond the industry-recognized CORE certification. Throughout these trainings, Alteryx ACEs (analytics experts and community advocates) will demonstrate advanced data preparation, blending, and analyzing techniques using real-life scenarios. If you’re a fan of technology, thinking creatively, and curious about expanding your data analytics and Designers skillsets to elevate your career options, these sessions are designed for you! Intro to APIs and Getting Data from the Web: The internet is a vast place and with some Alteryx assistance you can harness some of the public data on the web. Having the knowledge that APIs are very similar to queries can really expedite figuring them out and turn unleveraged data into a gold mine. https://teams.microsoft.com/registration/2TkvUj0wj0id66bXfx6v2A,4mJMnjIVXUuaoVaPApnMzg,XU14BWrDLUSFjNh1LFANmA,T2DTeDsCU0WZK578dKyTsw,Km4k2Qtl1ka27h9ZJ7idMA,0A8wv7yc9E2y2pgNR-PiHQ?mode=read&tenantId=522f39d9-303d-488f-9deb-a6d77f1eafd8 Exploring Advanced Designer | Intro to APIs and Getting Data from the Web   Organizations of every type across the globe are hiring people with data analytics skills to leverage insights from a tsunami of data across all lines of business. Alteryx, the analytics automation company, created the SparkED program to empower learners of all skill levels — across all disciplines and areas of study — to further develop the analytics skills they need to question, understand, and solve with data.   This workshop series is for students who are eager for more advanced Alteryx use cases, and ready to take their skill level beyond the industry-recognized CORE certification. Throughout these trainings, Alteryx ACEs (analytics experts and community advocates) will demonstrate advanced data preparation, blending, and analyzing techniques using real-life scenarios. If you’re a fan of technology, thinking creatively, and curious about expanding your data analytics and Designers skillsets to elevate your career options, these sessions are designed for you!   Workshop Topic – Intro to APIs and Getting Data from the Web Monday, December 19, 2022 10:30 am - 12:00 pm PST (Updated)   Presenter: Chris Lewis - Alteryx ACE | Senior Director Business Intelligence at JLL   Workshop Description: The internet is a vast place and with some Alteryx assistance you can harness some of the public data on the web. Having the knowledge that APIs are very similar to queries can really expedite figuring them out and turn unleveraged data into a gold mine.   Workshops will be structured with mixed content, including career awareness where the ACE presenter will provide a brief background about their academic and professional journey. Then we’ll dive into presentation and practical Alteryx Designer application, followed-up with time for Q & A. Tune into other workshops of this Exploring Advanced Designer series where we’ll cover topics such as: Macros for GL and TB data sources Analytic apps Batch macros Connecting to databases Iterative macros Optimization/dynamic processing Predictive Spatial analytics Workflow governance/controls For attendees to maximize their participation and engagement in the workshop series, we kindly ask students have some familiarity with SQL for database connection, and Python or R for APIs.   Webinar Registration Link Limited spots available, register today!    Appreciatively,   Alteryx SparkED & Alteryx ACEs
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Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Microsoft Teams - Registration Link Included in Event Description
This workshop series is for students and learners who are eager for more advanced Alteryx use cases, and ready to take their skill level beyond the industry-recognized CORE certification. Throughout these trainings, Alteryx ACEs (analytics experts and community advocates) will demonstrate advanced data preparation, blending, and analyzing techniques using real-life scenarios. If you’re a fan of technology, thinking creatively, and curious about expanding your data analytics and Designers skillsets to elevate your career options, these sessions are designed for you! Simple Python Usage within Designer: Have you ever run into an issue and thought it’s impossible to solve in Alteryx? Yes? Then join Alex as he shows us how to create Python macros to do things like sending a smartphone notification, creating QR codes, and more! With an easy-to-understand approach, learn how the Python tool makes these issues simple, even to those new to Python.  Registration Link Included Below (Note - if the link isn't working, try the registration link from an incognito mode browser as the Teams cache is probably getting confused from multiple tenant profiles): https://teams.microsoft.com/registration/2TkvUj0wj0id66bXfx6v2A,4mJMnjIVXUuaoVaPApnMzg,XU14BWrDLUSFjNh1LFANmA,SIthqZBSDkKQWSfx3JgUkw,F5cC5M4zVEWlEZ5ed1W74w,QHDC3u8fyE6AKC8wpqTbPA?mode=read&tenantId=522f39d9-303d-488f-9deb-a6d77f1eafd8   Exploring Advanced Designer - Simple Python Usage within Designer   Organizations of every type across the globe are hiring people with data analytics skills to leverage insights from a tsunami of data across all lines of business. Alteryx, the analytics automation company, created the SparkED program to empower learners of all skill levels — across all disciplines and areas of study — to further develop the analytics skills they need to question, understand, and solve with data.   This workshop series is for students who are eager for more advanced Alteryx use cases, and ready to take their skill level beyond the industry-recognized CORE certification. Throughout these trainings, Alteryx ACEs (analytics experts and community advocates) will demonstrate advanced data preparation, blending, and analyzing techniques using real-life scenarios. If you’re a fan of technology, thinking creatively, and curious about expanding your data analytics and Designers skillsets to elevate your career options, these sessions are designed for you!   Workshop Topic - Simple Python Usage within Designer Wednesday, January 25, 2023 9:00 am - 11:00 am PST   Presenter: Alexander Gross - Alteryx ACE | Alteryx Lead and BI Consultant at M2 Technology & Project Consulting   Workshop Description: Have you ever run into an issue and thought it’s impossible to solve in Alteryx? Yes? Then join Alex as he shows us how to create Python macros to do things like sending a smartphone notification, creating QR codes, and more! With an easy-to-understand approach, learn how the Python tool makes these issues simple, even to those new to Python.    Workshops will be structured with mixed content, including career awareness where the ACE instructor will provide a brief background about their academic and professional journey. Then we’ll dive into presentation and practical Alteryx Designer application, followed-up with time for Q & A. Tune into other workshops of this Exploring Advanced Designer series where we’ll cover topics such as: Macros for GL and TB data sources Analytic apps APIs Batch macros Connecting to databases Iterative macros Optimization/dynamic processing Predictive Spatial analytics Workflow governance/controls For attendees to maximize their participation and engagement in the workshop series, we kindly ask students and learners have some familiarity with SQL for database connection, and Python or R for APIs.   Webinar Registration Link  (Note - if the link isn't working, try the registration link from an incognito mode browser as the Teams cache is probably getting confused from multiple tenant profiles)   Appreciatively,   Alteryx SparkED & Alteryx ACEs
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Microsoft Teams - Registration Link Included in Event Description
This workshop series is for students and learners who are eager for more advanced Alteryx use cases, and ready to take their skill level beyond the industry-recognized CORE certification. Throughout these trainings, Alteryx ACEs (analytics experts and community advocates) will demonstrate advanced data preparation, blending, and analyzing techniques using real-life scenarios. If you’re a fan of technology, thinking creatively, and curious about expanding your data analytics and Designers skillsets to elevate your career options, these sessions are designed for you! Batch Macros for Beginners: Are you new to working with macros in Alteryx Designer? Then join Chris as he covers the basics, such as working with macro inputs, adding a macro to a workflow, and configuring variables. Registration Link Included Below (Note - if the link isn't working, try the registration link from an incognito mode browser as the Teams cache is probably getting confused from multiple tenant profiles). https://teams.microsoft.com/registration/2TkvUj0wj0id66bXfx6v2A,4mJMnjIVXUuaoVaPApnMzg,XU14BWrDLUSFjNh1LFANmA,1m60_1_ubEe9TD2ozscZwA,cgEUgczHvEWVSHP_l3f7cg,OEppfASeZEeEHjk4icKNvw?mode=read&tenantId=522f39d9-303d-488f-9deb-a6d77f1eafd8 Exploring Advanced Designer – Batch Macros for Beginners Organizations of every type across the globe are hiring people with data analytics skills to leverage insights from a tsunami of data across all lines of business. Alteryx, the analytics automation company, created the SparkED program to empower learners of all skill levels — across all disciplines and areas of study — to further develop the analytics skills they need to question, understand, and solve with data.   This workshop series is for students and learners who are eager for more advanced Alteryx use cases, and ready to take their skill level beyond the industry-recognized CORE certification. Throughout these trainings, Alteryx ACEs (analytics experts and community advocates) will demonstrate advanced data preparation, blending, and analyzing techniques using real-life scenarios. If you’re a fan of technology, thinking creatively, and curious about expanding your data analytics and Designers skillsets to elevate your career options, these sessions are designed for you!   Workshop Topic | Batch Macros for Beginners Wednesday, February 22, 2023 11:00 am - 12:30 pm MST Presenter: Chris McEleavey - Alteryx ACE | Founding Partner & Technical Lead at Bulien   Workshop Description: Are you new to working with macros in Alteryx Designer? Then join Chris as he covers the basics, such as working with macro inputs, adding a macro to a workflow, and configuring variables.   Workshops will be structured with mixed content, including career awareness where the ACE instructor will provide a brief background about their academic and professional journey. Then we’ll dive into presentation and practical Alteryx Designer application, followed-up with time for Q & A. Tune into other workshops of this Exploring Advanced Designer series where we’ll explore topics such as: Macros for GL and TB data sources Analytic apps APIs Connecting to databases Iterative macros Optimization/dynamic processing Predictive Spatial analytics Workflow governance/controls For attendees to maximize their participation and engagement in the workshop series, we kindly ask students to have some familiarity with SQL for database connection, and Python or R for APIs.   Webinar Registration Link  (Note - if the link isn't working, try the registration link from an incognito mode browser as the Teams cache is probably getting confused from multiple tenant profiles)   Appreciatively,   Alteryx SparkED & Alteryx ACEs
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Microsoft Teams - Registration Link Included in Event Description
Are you interested in the fields of product or project management? Do you want to connect with Alteryx executives about career exploration and guidance? Then this SparkED Fireside Chat is for you! Tune in to hear from Kristen McMurphy, Operations Project Manager, and Savior Williams-Onuorah, Associate Product Manager, as they discuss their professional journeys and current positions at Alteryx and within the data analytics field. The informal discussion format encourages students to learn from the featured industry experts and stimulate conversations and questions related to career preparedness. https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/0bb8cd8c-bf10-4827-9877-bff6b017f9cf@522f39d9-303d-488f-9deb-a6d77f1eafd8 Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 12 – 1 pm PST Register for this Virtual Event Here* *Note - if the link isn't working, try the registration link from an incognito mode browser as the Teams cache is probably getting confused from multiple tenant profiles   Kristen McMurphy Kristen McMurphy is an Operations Project Manager on the Product Engineering Operations Team. Her background includes a B.A. in English and M.S. in Information Science. Her career has spanned many industries from Engineering Consulting to Automotive to Healthcare IT. She’s worked mostly for start-up companies in roles involving client success, program management, and operations.   Savior Willams-Onuorah My name is Savior Williams-Onuorah, I am an Associate Product Manager based out of New York. I grew up in London, England and attended Michigan State University where I earnt a Bachelor’s in Economics and a Master’s in Data Science & Business Analytics. I started with Alteryx is May 2021 as an intern and continued my internship part time till the end of the year. In January 2022 I joined full time and rolled off into the new APM program in July. I started my first rotation in our Platform Org working with our Extensibility products and I am now working on our brand-new Designer Cloud powered by Trifacta product which just went all access in February of this year!   Topics for Discussion Panelists’ Academic and Professional Journeys Product Management Project Management Day in the Life of a Product Manager & Project Manager Technical & Soft Skills Common Misconceptions about roles Early in Career Advice Leveraging data analytics & Alteryx skills   We’ll conclude the event with ample time for the audience to ask our panelists questions. We hope to see you there!
SparkED Fireside Chat Banner.png
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Microsoft Teams - Registration Link Included in Event Description
Join Alteryx ACE and GIS (Geographical Information Systems) expert Deanna Sanchez for a deep dive into spatial analytics in Alteryx! Deanna will showcase the numerous capabilities of the spatial toolset, including how to import spatial datasets, utilize geographic processes, discover spatial relationships, and perform basic location analytics. An overview of understanding spatial formats and best practices will be provided, and attendees will learn how to find and download free geographic boundary data. A portion of the workshop will be hands on, and a sample dataset will be included. Following the workshop, Deanna will host a Q&A session; this is your opportunity to ask those geographic and spatial questions you have always wondered about! https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/a7dcaace-13d9-4059-9ba6-01dc243752ee@522f39d9-303d-488f-9deb-a6d77f1eafd8 Exploring Advanced Designer – Spatial Analytics Tuesday, June 6, 2023, 11am – 12:30 pm MST (Virtual) Register Here   Organizations of every type across the globe are hiring people with data analytics skills to leverage insights from a tsunami of data across all lines of business. Alteryx, the analytics automation company, created the SparkED program to empower learners of all skill levels — across all disciplines and areas of study — to further develop the analytics skills they need to question, understand, and solve with data.   This workshop series is for students and learners who are eager for more advanced Alteryx use cases, and ready to take their skill level beyond the industry-recognized Designer Core certification. Throughout these trainings, Alteryx ACEs (analytics experts and community advocates) will demonstrate advanced data preparation, blending, and analyzing techniques using real-life scenarios. If you’re a fan of technology, thinking creatively, and curious about expanding your data analytics and Designers skillsets to elevate your career options, these sessions are designed for you!   Workshop Topic – Spatial Analytics Facilitator: Deanna Sanchez – Alteryx ACE | Owner, Nova Geographica, LLC   Facilitator Bio: Alteryx ACE Deanna Sanchez began using Alteryx in 2005, specializing in Spatial and Demographic Analytics.  Her degree in Geography with concentrations in GIS and Medical Geography enables her to consult in numerous verticals and industries.  An advanced Alteryx trainer, she has provided instruction to over 2,500 students worldwide in location intelligence, predictive analytics, Alteryx analytic apps, and more.  Her presentations include the International Medical Geography Symposium, the National Retail Federation Big Show NYC, Geography conferences, and multiple Alteryx Inspires.  Deanna also co-leads the Dallas / Fort Worth Alteryx User Group (7 years, 750+ members) and leads the Dallas Alteryx for Good (AFG) volunteers.  She was greatly honored to receive the AFG Champion Award in 2017 and believes that any amount of volunteering, large and small, creates expanding ripples of good throughout your community.   Workshop Description: Join Alteryx ACE and GIS (Geographical Information Systems) expert Deanna Sanchez for a deep dive into spatial analytics in Alteryx! Deanna will showcase the numerous capabilities of the spatial toolset, including how to import spatial datasets, utilize geographic processes, discover spatial relationships, and perform basic location analytics. An overview of understanding spatial formats and best practices will be provided, and attendees will learn how to find and download free geographic boundary data. A portion of the workshop will be hands on, and a sample dataset will be included. Following the workshop, Deanna will host a Q&A session; this is your opportunity to ask those geographic and spatial questions you have always wondered about!   Workshops will be structured with mixed content, including career awareness where the ACE instructor will provide a brief background about their academic and professional journey. Then we’ll dive into presentation and practical Alteryx Designer application, followed-up with time for Q & A. Tune into other workshops of this Exploring Advanced Designer series (or checkout the recordings on our SparkED Student Discussion Board) where we’ll explore topics such as:   Macros for GL and TB data sources Analytic apps APIs Connecting to databases Iterative macros Optimization/dynamic processing Predictive Workflow governance/controls For attendees to maximize their participation and engagement in the workshop series, we kindly ask students to have some familiarity with SQL for database connection, and Python or R for APIs.   Webinar Registration Link  (Note - if the link isn't working, try the registration link from an incognito mode browser as the Teams cache is probably getting confused from multiple tenant profiles)   Thank you,   Alteryx SparkED & Alteryx ACEs
Wednesday, June 21, 2023
Microsoft Teams - Registration Link Included in Event Description
Join Alteryx SparkED as we get to know Alteryx ACE and J.P. Morgan Vice President, Yug Muley! This virtual opportunity encourages students and learners to learn from the featured industry expert regarding his professional journey and current position within the analytics field. We’ll cover everything from what it takes to be an Alteryx ACE, how Yug has leveraged Alteryx and data analytics skills in the workforce, early in career advice, and common misconceptions in his industry. We'll include time for an open forum so participants have the opportunity to connect with Yug and ask questions! https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/4c0211ae-6d8d-4fc5-b4ce-bb21cb39b812@522f39d9-303d-488f-9deb-a6d77f1eafd8 Chat with an Alteryx ACE – Yugandhar (Yug) Muley J.P. Morgan Vice President | Alteryx ACE     Join Alteryx SparkED as we get to know Alteryx ACE and J.P. Morgan Vice President, Yug Muley! This virtual opportunity encourages students and learners to learn from the featured industry expert regarding his professional journey and current position within the analytics field. We’ll cover everything from what it takes to be an Alteryx ACE, how Yug has leveraged Alteryx and data analytics skills in the workforce, early in career advice, and common misconceptions in his industry.   Thursday, June 22, 2023 11 am - 12 pm SGT (Singapore Time) [Wednesday, June 21, 2023 9 pm - 10 pm MST (North America- Mountain Time)] Register Here   Learn More about Yug Muley As a data-driven leader with a passion for unlocking hidden patterns and insights, I have dedicated my career to helping organizations harness the true potential of analytics. From an early age, I was captivated by the blend of creativity, critical thinking, and technical prowess that data analytics offered. This fascination led me to become an Alteryx ACE and a two-time Alteryx Excellence Award winner. I have conceptualized, launched, and led data culture initiatives that have upskilled thousands of individuals across various organizations. These initiatives have gone on to become Firmwide and have made a significant global impact. Driven by a strong desire to give back to the community, I initiated Alteryx For Good in India, helping charities tackle data-related challenges and create meaningful change through data-driven solutions. My professional aspirations are rooted in a commitment to inspire people, lead data-driven organizations, and build strong communities that foster growth, connection, and shared success. With Alteryx as my core passion and a newfound interest in AI and ML, I constantly strive to explore innovative solutions that transform industries and improve lives. At the heart of my work is a profound belief in the power of integrity, people, and transformative innovation. Guided by the conviction that ethical, transparent business practices cultivate trust and collaboration, I am dedicated to creating a better world through data-driven solutions that empower individuals and organizations alike. I relentlessly pursue the fusion of cutting-edge technologies and innovative ideas to drive impactful change, while nurturing a people-centric approach that fosters growth, connection, and shared success. My ultimate purpose is to deliver lasting value for clients and stakeholders, driven by an unwavering commitment to excellence, a passion for making a difference, and a genuine care for the people I serve.
Thursday, August 3, 2023
Microsoft Teams - Registration Link Included in Event Description
Alteryx ACE Deanna Sanchez returns for Part 2 of the Spatial Analytics in Alteryx workshop! Join us for a deeper journey into spatial analytics, exploring additional tools such as Spatial Process and discovering hidden techniques within tools outside of the Spatial toolbox. Deanna will also feature the Report Map tool and showcase how to build and customize a map for presentation-ready output. The sample dataset from Part 1 will be utilized for a hands-on portion of the workshop and will be sent to attendees in advance. A Q&A session will follow; join us to expand your knowledge of advanced Alteryx topics and learn more about best practices in geospatial analyses! https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/6bb0a6d9-cc5f-4056-ab2d-866ec44ad3d9@522f39d9-303d-488f-9deb-a6d77f1eafd8 Exploring Advanced Designer – Spatial Analytics Part 2 Thursday, August 3, 2023, 11am – 12:30 pm MST (Virtual) Register Here   Organizations of every type across the globe are hiring people with data analytics skills to leverage insights from a tsunami of data across all lines of business. Alteryx, the analytics automation company, created the SparkED program to empower learners of all skill levels — across all disciplines and areas of study — to further develop the analytics skills they need to question, understand, and solve with data.   This workshop series is for students and learners who are eager for more advanced Alteryx use cases, and ready to take their skill level beyond the industry-recognized Designer Core certification. Throughout these trainings, Alteryx ACEs (analytics experts and community advocates) will demonstrate advanced data preparation, blending, and analyzing techniques using real-life scenarios. If you’re a fan of technology, thinking creatively, and curious about expanding your data analytics and Designers skillsets to elevate your career options, these sessions are designed for you!   Workshop Topic – Spatial Analytics Part 2 Facilitator: Deanna Sanchez – Alteryx ACE | Owner, Nova Geographica, LLC   Facilitator Bio: Alteryx ACE Deanna Sanchez began using Alteryx in 2005, specializing in Spatial and Demographic Analytics.  Her degree in Geography with concentrations in GIS and Medical Geography enables her to consult in numerous verticals and industries.  An advanced Alteryx trainer, she has provided instruction to over 2,500 students worldwide in location intelligence, predictive analytics, Alteryx analytic apps, and more.  Her presentations include the International Medical Geography Symposium, the National Retail Federation Big Show NYC, Geography conferences, and multiple Alteryx Inspires.  Deanna also co-leads the Dallas / Fort Worth Alteryx User Group (7 years, 750+ members) and leads the Dallas Alteryx for Good (AFG) volunteers.  She was greatly honored to receive the AFG Champion Award in 2017 and believes that any amount of volunteering, large and small, creates expanding ripples of good throughout your community.   Workshop Description: Alteryx ACE Deanna Sanchez returns for Part 2 of the Spatial Analytics in Alteryx workshop! Join us for a deeper journey into spatial analytics, exploring additional tools such as Spatial Process and discovering hidden techniques within tools outside of the Spatial toolbox.  Deanna will also feature the Report Map tool and showcase how to build and customize a map for presentation-ready output. The sample dataset from Part 1 (Attached to this Community Event) will be utilized for a hands-on portion of the workshop and will be sent to attendees in advance.  A Q&A session will follow; join us to expand your knowledge of advanced Alteryx topics and learn more about best practices in geospatial analyses!   Workshops will be structured with mixed content, including career awareness where the ACE instructor will provide a brief background about their academic and professional journey. Then we’ll dive into presentation and practical Alteryx Designer application, followed-up with time for Q & A. Tune into other workshops of this Exploring Advanced Designer series (or checkout the recordings on our SparkED Student Discussion Board) where we’ll explore topics such as: Macros for GL and TB data sources Analytic apps APIs Connecting to databases Iterative macros Optimization/dynamic processing Predictive Workflow governance/controls Thank you,   Alteryx SparkED & Alteryx ACEs
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Microsoft Teams - Registration Link Included in Event Description
Join Alteryx SparkED for Analytics in Action, a webinar series that shines a spotlight on a specific industry and the incredible minds driving it forward. These sessions feature inspiring Alteryx customers and industry leaders who will share their academic and professional journeys, revealing how they've harnessed the power of Alteryx in their careers. September’s webinar will showcase Blake Edmondson, a Senior Business Intelligence Analyst at Unum Group, an American Insurance Company helping millions of employees protect their families, their finances, and their futures. Blake will present on his academic and career journey, transition from the Army, and his current position and how he leverages Alteryx in the finance field. https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/85397b4d-bd87-4575-a08f-4a91df335607@522f39d9-303d-488f-9deb-a6d77f1eafd8 Join Alteryx SparkED for Analytics in Action, a webinar series that shines a spotlight on a specific industry and the incredible minds driving it forward. These sessions feature inspiring Alteryx customers and industry leaders who will share their academic and professional journeys, revealing how they've harnessed the power of Alteryx in their careers.   Thursday, September 14 th 1 – 1:45 pm MST (Virtual) Register Here   September’s webinar will showcase Blake Edmondson, a Senior Business Intelligence Analyst at Unum Group, an American Insurance Company helping millions of employees protect their families, their finances, and their futures. Blake will present on his academic and career journey, transition from the Army, and his current position and how he leverages Alteryx in the finance field.    Blake Edmondson Blake is Alteryx advanced certified with two years of experience. He run’s Unum’s internal Alteryx user group with close to 200 members comprised mostly of Finance users with some IT and Data Science members. As a Chattanooga, Tennessee resident, he works at one of the largest employers in the city. Blake has a bachelor’s degree in accounting and is an Army Veteran. Using Alteryx in his regular job keeps him engaged and excited. Currently, his job is primarily focused on enabling other members of the Finance organization implement Alteryx in their business processes to modernize the organization. Blake’s team is also responsible for Tableau enablement as well. He believes there are a lot of opportunities in the community to share Alteryx with college students and veterans to assist with building their skill set and increasing their opportunities for employment. Listening to the pain points from friends in working at non-profit organizations leads Blake to believe there is a lot of opportunity to help these organizations use their data more effectively with Alteryx.   Are you a student, learner, or career changer pursuing your core certification? This series is for you! Dive into diverse industries, from finance to healthcare to technology, and witness firsthand how data analytics shapes and transforms each field. Gain insights, discover new possibilities, and ignite your passion for data-driven decision-making. Our mission is to Educate & Inform, Inspire & Motivate, Foster Networking & Connections, and Promote Alteryx's comprehensive capabilities. Whether you're an Alteryx novice or have a basic understanding, this series will help you better understand the real-world applications of analytics and Alteryx.   Join us as we bridge the gap between academia and industry, equipping you with the knowledge and connections you need to excel in your journey towards data mastery.
Monday, September 25, 2023
Microsoft Teams - Registration Link Included in Event Description
Are you a student or learner ready to supercharge your Alteryx Designer skills? Join Alteryx SparkED for a new data analytics training series - Mastering Alteryx Designer Tools: A Foundational Training. This is a beginner-level training, designed for those with basic data analytics knowledge and little to no experience with Alteryx Designer. https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/88d86b7d-9c68-487d-9a93-b10183e31d00@522f39d9-303d-488f-9deb-a6d77f1eafd8 Mastering Alteryx Designer Tools: A Foundational Training | Session 1 Are you a student or learner ready to supercharge your Alteryx Designer skills? Join Alteryx SparkED for a new data analytics training series - Mastering Alteryx Designer Tools: A Foundational Training. This is a beginner-level training, designed for those with basic data analytics knowledge and little to no experience with Alteryx Designer.    Session 1: Intro to Alteryx Monday, September 25, 2023 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm MST (Virtual) Register Here   We will dive into the world of data preparation, manipulation, and analysis with the guidance of our Alteryx ACES - Analytics experts and community advocates. @Deanna Sanchez, Alteryx ACE and GIS (Geographical Information Systems) expert, will be leading these trainings this upcoming Fall, sharing her expertise on all things data analytics and Designer core tools and functions through hands-on Alteryx Designer application with sample and/or publicly available datasets.   Participants will gain mastery over a variety of Alteryx Designer tools, including Input Data and Output Data Tools, Filter Tool, Union Tool, Parsing Tools, among many others. We'll provide you with real-world scenarios to put your skills to the test and gain practical data analytics and Alteryx experience. Whether you're a SparkED student hungry for analytics knowledge or a curious learner seeking hands-on Alteryx experience, this is the training series for you! Come with questions and curiosity and secure your spot today through the registration link above.    These workshops are structured to equip you with essential skills in data manipulation, transformation, cleansing, and more. With expert guidance and hands-on practice, you'll gain confidence in using Alteryx tools effectively and efficiently.   While these workshops are a great step towards Designer Core Certification preparation, they are not an exhaustive guide covering every aspect of the certification exam. The certification process requires a broader understanding of Alteryx Designer, and our workshops serve as a foundation for your preparation journey. Please access additional prep guides for the Alteryx Micro-credentials and Alteryx Designer Core Exams here.    Datasets & Materials will be emailed to registered participants prior to the training.    Training Schedule  Session 1: Intro to Alteryx - Monday 9/25/23 3:30 - 5:00 PM MST Session 2: Alteryx Data Preparation - Monday 10/23/23 3:30 - 5:00 PM MST Session 3: Alteryx Joins and Unions - Monday 11/13/23 3:30 - 5:00 PM MST Session 4: Data Manipulation and Transformation - Monday, 12/11/23 3:30 - 5:00 PM MST
Monday, October 2, 2023
Microsoft Teams - Registration Link Included in Event Description
Join here: https://events.teams.microsoft.com/event/9501d6d8-4aae-4635-af24-d66b77feb1ee@522f39d9-303d-488f-9deb-a6d77f1eafd8 Have you thought about how much we can learn when sharing our experiences?  Have you felt stuck to solve a problem and thought you had no other way around it?  Have you been missing networking and meeting people like you to have open discussions and exchange ideas?     Well, if you answer yes to at least one of these questions, you should join one (or multiple) of our Local Alteryx User Groups, and I promise you won’t want to miss the upcoming User Group meetings!      Join @FláviaB, Alteryx User Groups Program Manager, as she provides an overview on all things User Groups. You'll learn how Alteryx User Groups provide a platform for networking, knowledge exchange, and staying up-to-date with the latest production information and announcements. Whether you're a seasoned Alteryx pro or just beginning your data analytics journey, tune in to see how you can become part of our dynamic Alteryx user community!     Monday, October 2, 2023 1:00 - 2:00 PM MST (Virtual) Register Here      More about Alteryx User Groups   As independent volunteer organizations created for users and run by users, they create boundless opportunities to meet locally or virtually, bringing together a broad range of backgrounds where users of all skill levels are welcome and can share ideas, experiences, and best practices in analytics and take away invaluable insights from like-minded peers. Oh, and not to mention all the product information and announcements that are shared so you can stay up to date and learn new ways to use the Alteryx platform.    Alteryx User Groups are the perfect way to meet people with similar interests and truly connect around how Alteryx has amplified your life both inside and outside of work. So what are you waiting for? Still trying to figure out what to expect? Watch some of the past meetings, and you will understand what I’m talking about. 
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Monday, October 30, 2023
Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado Boulder, Regent Drive, Boulder, CO, USA
Calling all local Denver, Colorado students and learners! Join Alteryx SparkED in-person at CU Boulder for an exciting careers in analytics event. The event will include an overview of Alteryx and SparkED, Alteryx customer spotlights with potential employers, Denver User Group highlights, and an Alteryx Designer Demo. Plus, there will be snacks and refreshments! This career exposure event will provide students and learners with insights into different industries in the data analytics realm by showcasing Alteryx Customers' experiences and roles. Hear from a variety of experts about their real-world applications of data analytics and Alteryx. When: Monday, October 30, 2023 4 pm – 6 pm MST Where: CU Boulder Campus - Rustandy / Koelbel Building Atrium 995 Regent Dr, Boulder, CO 80302   Industries & Companies featured will include: Phoenix Capital - premier advisory firm for Trading, Mortgage Services and Analytics Cleartelligence - data & analytics consulting  Analytic Vizion - focus on building solutions at the intersection of organizational strategy and analytic insight Plante Moran - audit, tax, consulting, & wealth management  Come hear more about these inspiring industry experts and what their roles entail!    Register for this in-person event HERE. A flyer with more information about this event is attached to the event post!   Why should you attend? Get industry exposure by hearing about real Alteryx customers' experiences and roles. Learn how professionals excelled in their careers. Get your career questions answered. There will be snacks and beverages!
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Friday, February 16, 2024
California State University, Fullerton - Center for Leadership O'Brien Center SGMH 3230
Join Alteryx SparkED and Cal State Fullerton for a Careers in Analytics event, where you'll gain insights into diverse professions in analytics that leverage Alteryx skills. We'll be discussing Alteryx as a company, and how you can get started with data analytics and our flagship product, Alteryx Designer, through our no-cost education program, SparkED. Join Alteryx SparkED and Cal State Fullerton for a Careers in Analytics event, where you'll gain insights into diverse professions in analytics that leverage Alteryx skills. We'll be discussing Alteryx as a company, and how you can get started with data analytics and our flagship product, Alteryx Designer, through our no-cost education program, SparkED.   Additionally, we'll have a variety of speakers, including Alteryx Customers discussing their industries and real-world application of analytics and Alteryx. Hear about their academic and professional journey that landed them in a data focused career!       Celebrate our SparkED Scholarship recipients (alongside Alteryx Educator Champion, Professor April Morris), those within the college of business and economics who are dedicated to incorporating data analytics and Alteryx into their academic path.   The event will conclude with an overview of the local Alteryx Orange County User Group and how you can get involved and network, followed by a student-led Alteryx Designer Demo.   Lunch will be provided! Register today to secure your spot. Register Here.   The location is Cal State Fullerton's Center for Leadership O'Brien Center - SGMH 3230. We hope to see you there!   Industry Insight Showcase: Gain firsthand knowledge from industry leaders as they unveil the real-world applications of analytics and Alteryx across diverse sectors. Explore the possibilities and discover how your analytical skills can shape the future. Success Stories Unveiled: Be motivated by success stories from Alteryx Customers who have excelled in their careers by leveraging their data analytics expertise. Learn how their journey unfolded and be inspired to carve your own path in the world of data. Ignite Your Passion: Whether you're a seasoned data enthusiast or just starting to explore the world of analytics, this event is your opportunity to connect, learn, and be inspired. Unleash your potential and discover the endless possibilities that await in the data-driven landscape. Networking and Recognition: Engage with like-minded individuals, network with industry professionals, and celebrate the achievements of our SparkED Scholarship Recipients.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
Friday, March 29, 2024
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Join Jamie Lewis, Director of the Early in Career Division at Alteryx, as she explores job etiquette, effective networking, making the most of a new role, and maximizing connections. She'll also cover job seeker success and standing out in applications. Data Analytics Careers: Navigating Job Success in Today's Market   Thursday, April 11 th 12 – 1 pm PST | Virtual Register Here   Join Jamie Lewis, Director of the Early in Career Division at Alteryx, as she explores job etiquette, effective networking, making the most of a new role, and maximizing connections. She'll also cover job seeker success and standing out in applications.   Whether you've landed a new entry-level role, are making a career change, or starting an internship this summer, learn best practices for: Understanding company norms and navigating your new workplace  Maximizing success during your first 90 days Building relationships and understanding social capital   For those still seeking opportunities, discover:  Career search best practices Use of technology like AI or job boards to optimize your job search process How to build future-proof skills to help you standout in a competitive job market Additionally, find out how to maximize downtime to build experience, dedicate time to personal projects that support long-term goals, and utilize skills in roles that may not align with your career plans but offer valuable experience. Bring your questions on job success, applications, working in tech, early career, or career changes and non-traditional routes for an engaging discussion.   Lastly, we’ll also review our newest SparkED higher education initiative – Alteryx Mentor Connect, a network of mentors from the Maveryx community providing one-to-one subject matter expertise and guidance to learners through the Alteryx SparkED education program.
Thursday, June 6, 2024
Virtual - Microsoft Teams (Registration Link in Event Details)
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