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SparkED: FAQ for Independent Learners


Q: What are Independent Learners (career changers)?  

A: Individual learners who seek online education in data analytics for a strengthened career option. SparkED provides learning pathways and a 90-day Alteryx Designer education license, along with certification preparation and exams.  


Q: How will the SparkED program help me succeed? 

A: After completing one or more learning pathways, and ideally achieving one or more certifications, you will have an expanded skillset on your resume/CV. With a global shortage of professionals who can leverage data analytics, these skills are in high demand. And you will be a lifetime member of our passionate and supportive Alteryx Community, where you can access and offer problem solutions, ideas, and even career networking. 


Q: What would I receive as a participant of SparkED? 

A: Once you register, you’ll receive the following at no charge: 

  • 90-day Alteryx Designer education license (renewable if the Alteryx Core certification is acquired during those 90 days) 
  • Data analytics learning pathways  
  • Thousands of data analytics experts, user groups, educators and learners within the Alteryx Community 

Q: How does software licensing work in the SparkED program? 

A: As an Independent Learner, you are eligible to receive a 90-day Alteryx Designer education license. If you pass the Alteryx Core certification during those first 90 days, you can renew your education license for an additional 90 days from the date of certification. If you are looking to maximize your software license, we recommend that you don’t wait until your 90th day to take the Core certification, in case you don’t pass the first time (certification can be re-attempted every 7 days).  


Q: Who can participate in SparkED?  

A: Individuals of all skill levels, including those who may have no prior experience with data. You simply must be an independent learner, adding skills for your own benefit. If your employer is a current or soon-to-be Alteryx customer, and wants you to acquire Designer training, the SparkED education program is not for you. Reach out to Greg Hamilton for information about fee-based professional training options. To participate in SparkED, you must use a personal email address in our request form and we will let you know if you have been verified as eligible. 


Q: What does it cost to participate in SparkED?  

A: Nothing. The only investment here is your time and energy. 


Q: May I share this learning opportunity with my friends, family, and peers?  

A: Please do. All those looking to acquire new skills and knowledge are welcome.  


Q: How long will it take to get Core certified?  

A: The time needed to pass the certification exam will vary. Those with some experience will typically progress faster. A general rule is to devote a minimum of 5 hours each week to have a high likelihood of passing within the 3-month license period.  


Q: What will I need to participate in the program?  

A: You’ll need a computer with a Windows operating system (or Parallels on a Mac – see more below), an Alteryx Community account, and an Alteryx Designer license key (to be distributed by email after you register).  


Q: How do I register for the Alteryx Community? 

A: Instructions for registering on Community will be provided by email when you receive confirmation of your SparkED registration. If you already have an Alteryx Community account, you need to verify that the name and email address match your SparkED license request. If not, or if your existing account was created with a professional email address, you will need to update the professional email to the email address you used when registering with SparkED. Instructions for updating your email address can be found at this link. 


Q: How do I install Alteryx Designer?  

A: When you register for the SparkED program, you will next need to create a free account (SSO) on our Alteryx Community site.

  • If you already have an SSO username and password (same as your Alteryx Community login), LOG IN HERE. Please make sure your profile email address matches the one used in the confirmation email. To request an email change to match your profile, please contact community@alteryx.com.
  • If you need to create your first SSO, click ‘Register Here’ and proceed with the steps using the exact same email you used to request the Independent Learner license.
  • If needed, confirm your compatibility with our system requirements.


  • Look for a confirmation email from 'no-reply@alteryx.com' (check spam too), and copy your 90-day license key.
  • If you have not received this email in 1-2 days, STOP and quickly email fulfillment@alteryx.com to ask them to resend it.
  • Remember you have only 90 days to earn your Core certification in order to renew your license!

If you are still having issues installing Alteryx Designer, the following documents should help you: 

  • This article provides an overview of all things Alteryx licensing. This includes our prerequisites for installing and licensing Alteryx, an overview of different ways to activate, links to helpful guides, and how to best administrate your keys once activated. 
  • The License Activation Overview document provides more detail on the different options for activating Alteryx licenses. 

If you run into any issues during the activation, you can reach out to the Fulfillment team at fulfillment@alteryx.com to assist. 


Q: I have a Mac – how will I install Alteryx Designer?  

A: Alteryx Designer requires Windows for installation. For Mac/Linux: open Designer in your computer's virtual machine (such as Bootcamp, VirtualBox, Parallels, or VMWare). Instructions for downloading Alteryx Designer with Bootcamp or Parallels can be found here.

  1. Machine

    64-bit only; 32-bit is not supported


    Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or later


    Dual core (single chip)


    2.5 GHz or faster


    8 GB

    Disk Size

    100 GB

Any of the above solutions require a Windows license. This article  goes through the pros and cons of the different approaches, as well as more detailed installation instructions.  


Q: Who should I contact for help with the SparkED program?  

A: If you have specific questions about the program overall, please visit the SparkED Discussion in our Community space, where you can post questions and view responses. For questions specific to Designer software, please go to the Designer Discussion Page in the Alteryx Community. 


Q: I didn't complete the Core certification exam in the first 3 months and my license is now expired. Can it be extended?  

AUnfortunately, we are unable to extend the 3-month license past the original date of expiration. 


8 - Asteroid


 is there any way to extend the Alteryx Career Changer License?