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Urgent help needed. I need a data set

8 - Asteroid

I need a dataset containing 10,000 places to go on vacation in italy. I need the following columns.
location, municipality, province, region, state, attraction #1, attraction type, attraction #2, attraction type, attraction #3, attraction typology, nearest train station, nearest airport, average cost of one night.

Please can any one get me this. It does not have to be complete.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Please check out Kaggle or Google for it. I do not think anyone would have that data on hand here... 

Calvin Tang
Alteryx ACE
12 - Quasar

Hi @AbdulBasit 


You are feeling very optimistic but I doubt anybody will hand you over a dataset on a golden dish, you have to to your own research, perhas this link will help Tourism in Italian cities - statistics & facts ; It seems you can download data from this site as long as you register with them Number of non-hotel accommodation establishments in the Italian municipality of Rome from 2019 to 20... 


Good luck


8 - Asteroid

Thanku for the feed back. Like yeah it has been very difficult to get this data.

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