I need a dataset containing 10,000 places to go on vacation in italy. I need the following columns.
location, municipality, province, region, state, attraction #1, attraction type, attraction #2, attraction type, attraction #3, attraction typology, nearest train station, nearest airport, average cost of one night.
Please can any one get me this. It does not have to be complete.
Please check out Kaggle or Google for it. I do not think anyone would have that data on hand here...
Hi @AbdulBasit
You are feeling very optimistic but I doubt anybody will hand you over a dataset on a golden dish, you have to to your own research, perhas this link will help Tourism in Italian cities - statistics & facts ; It seems you can download data from this site as long as you register with them Number of non-hotel accommodation establishments in the Italian municipality of Rome from 2019 to 20...
Good luck
Thanku for the feed back. Like yeah it has been very difficult to get this data.