In search of remnants following the devastating antimatter-matter explosion, sucking Santa deep into a black hole, Santa’s Reindeer went on a quest to uncover clues lost in the Alteryx Community.
If you have no idea what I’m talking about, check out SANTALYTICS 2019 | Oh no! Santa’s lost in time! We look forward to your participation!
Dancer loves to read and wants to help rescue Santa! She decides to start in the Blogs district.
Wow, an Analytics blog? Plus Engine Works blog, Data Science blog, and her team’s favorite, the Alter.Nation blog! So many resources for thought leadership, tips and tricks, Community news and data science journalism.
Since she’s a data nerd, she decides to start with the Data Science blog. Spending the entire year in preparation for this magical season, Dancer was surprised to learn how much effort it takes to get your data ready for analysis.
Hold onto your answer. You'll need it to complete the final challenge on December 16.
Are you stumped? Feel free to reply to this thread with questions.
Additional information along with contest terms can be found here.
Be sure to tune in tomorrow for Clue #3!
Happy Alteryx-ing!
yay! So glad to hear you are still making use of the gifts from Santalytics past!