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Join Our Alteryx Virtual Meetup Friday 26th August

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey all! 



Our Q3 virtual User Group is finally here. Make sure to join us at 4pm (UK BST) on Friday 26th August for our next UG. 


Join Link: Q3 2022 UG - Come Along! - Alteryx Community

The Agenda:


  • Welcome & Introduction
  • Presentation 1: Chris McEleavey and Owen Coyle will sharing their takeaways from Denver Inspire.
  • Presentation 2: Claire McCollough, Alteryx ACE & 2022 Alteryx Americas Grand Prix Champion, will be describing her journey from the Sparked Program all the way to Grand Prix Champion and Alteryx ACE.
  • Presentation 3: David Thorpe, Alteryx Sales Engineering Manager, will be showcasing Alteryx the power of Alteryx Spatial Analytics in both Retail and Education sectors.
  • Networking

This is a fun and informal event 😄 if your interested in joining check out the community page linked above! 


Any questions feel free to send a message over.


16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

You convinced me at "Chris McEleavey and Owen Coyle" !

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

@Jean-Balteryx  i second that! :P

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

😆 Great @Jean-Balteryx @JagdeeshN  ! 

15 - Aurora
15 - Aurora