=> Name,Name
How to get the result as
SSN # Name
123-45-6789 Name,Name
@Yuvaraj85is your input data in the same row or multiple rows?
In 2 different rows in text file
@Yuvaraj85 one way of doing this with the help of cross tab
Thank you so much. But this is just a format. If you help me with any if condition formula then it will really helpful
123-45-6789 STATUS: TERM 30 LOCATION:
401K EE: 6,275.27
ALLOC BEG BAL * * * * * * * * A C T I V I T Y * * * * * * * * END BAL
BAIRD CORE BD INV 02A 0.0% .11 .00 .29 .00 .00 .40-X .00
BAIRD CORE BD INV 02D 0.0% .09 .00 .24 .00 .00 .33-X .00
MFS INT INTRS VAL 0HA 10.0% 720.52 .00 79.06 .00 .00 795.61-M .00
Output need
SSN # | Name | DESCRIPTION | ID | Source | PCNT | 1/1/2023 | CONTRIB | EARNINGS | PAYMENTS | LOANS | OTHER | 6/6/2023 |
123-45-6789 | =>Name,Name | BAIRD CORE BD INV | 2 | A | 0.00% | 0.11 | 0 | 0.29 | 0 | 0 | .40-X | 0 |
123-45-6789 | =>Name,Name | BAIRD CORE BD INV | 2 | D | 0.00% | 0.09 | 0 | 0.24 | 0 | 0 | .33-X | 0 |
123-45-6789 | =>Name,Name | MFS INT INTRS VAL | 0H | A | 10.00% | 720.52 | 0 | 79.06 | 0 | 0 | 795.61-M | 0 |
Need to filter only -M from other column
@Yuvaraj85 One way of doing this, need to make some pattern before parsing in the description field ( the output of the description field will show _ instead of space, you can change that with the formula tool if you want)
How can we use the below formula in Alteryx
=if(Mid(A1,4,1)="-"),Left(A1,11), "")
Thanks a lot for your help. But this will not work when the file is having multiple Participants and multiple funds