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Alteryx and neurodiversity

14 - Magnetar

Hi all


Hope you are well being someone who identifies as being neurodivergent; being aware of the strong correlation between those who have neurodiversties and work in/with data. I wanted to see if anyone was aware of the relationship specifically for alteryx users?


Many Thanks

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Low code platforms have always felt like a perfect option for those with ADHD, especially those who love problem solving but perhaps struggle with getting into coding via a standard education route. 

Would love to hear what the wider community thinks on this 🤔☺️

14 - Magnetar

@Carlithian thought those with ADHD were still strong in high code environments too (as well as those with other NDs), but you live and you learn,

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

They likely are, I am speaking from anecdotal experience. Simply a format that is pictorial is easier to break down and comprehend compared to blocks of texts. So it reduces the chances for distraction. 

14 - Magnetar

I thought (based on personal experience) it might be dyspraxia and dyslexia that would cause an issue. Miss spelling poor organisation fo code etc, but guess it impacts everyone in different ways

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