Engine Works

Under the hood of Alteryx: tips, tricks and how-tos.

How does one automate that which cannot be automated?


We are in an information age.  An age where someone can monitor the security of their home and unlock their care from a mobile device; start streaming a movie at home, move to an iPad, and finish on a plane; and even blend, cleanse, and predict data with little or no data science knowledge.  And yet many, if not all of us, at some point have tried to gain access to data within our own organizations only to be met with the solution of “we can email you an Excel file”.  Really?!?  I can put money into my Starbucks account via my phone, and have Starbucks scan and recognize the payment, deduct the cost from my account and give me my bonus stars for the transaction, but the only solution you have to give me data is to email it to me?  Now is a good time to tell you something important about myself – I’m lazy.  I loathe manual, tedious, repetitive tasks.  I often joke with my coworkers that I’m going to automate everything I do so I can sit and watch YouTube all day.  In fact, were I to successfully automate myself out of a job I would consider that the single greatest accomplishment of my career.  As you can probably imagine, I was not willing to manually download and process Excel files each week.  Fortunately, I come from a software development background and was able to write code to extract attachments from Outlook emails and baked that into an SSIS package that ran weekly. 


Outlook Input toolOutlook Input toolFast forward a couple of years to Inspire 2017.  I was having breakfast before the opening keynote and I heard an Alteryx employee talking about using Alteryx to blend data from a file she receives from another department.  I had a hunch and asked her how she gets those files.  I stifled a literal “LOL” moment when she said she receives them via email.  I told her I had some code that might help her get to a fully automated solution.  Later in the conference I attended a session on using the Alteryx API and SDK.  I paid particularly close attention to the SDK portion because at the time I had no idea creating custom tools was even an option.  I know this is going to sound lame and cliché, but at that moment I was truly inspired to jump into code and build my own custom input tool to pull attachments out of Outlook emails.  I know, I know, too corny.  Moving on.  As a fantastic conference was coming to a close I just happened to spot one of the engineers, @JPKa,  who hosted the session on using the API and SDK at the closing reception.  I told him my idea and he pointed me in the right direction to get started.  Two weeks of personal time later I had  a solid version 1  of the tool and I shared it with my friends at Alteryx.




Working with the SDK


Outlook Input Tool ConfigurationOutlook Input Tool ConfigurationEverything I needed to get started was already installed with Alteryx Designer. I used a combination of reading through and interpreting the sample and the getting started documentation. Honestly, my first impression was confusion.  The sample project involves using an XML file containing Alteryx tool XML config information as an input to set the tool XML config information.  When it came to interpreting the code to understand how it was linking the xml config information to the input data I was often confused as to whether the xml components in question were part of the Alteryx configuration or the input tool that was providing the configuration.  Simply put, it was setting configuration from configuration. If anyone from Alteryx Product Management is reading this,  a better sample might be to pull dummy customer data from a .csv file and send it to an output stream.


My biggest obstacle was interpreting the sample code - figuring out how to separate the xml config as input from the xml config that was reading the input.  It makes perfect sense now, but when I was trying to understand the custom tool architecture and input file interpretation simultaneously for the first time I had some trouble.



Once I had a working tool I went back and forth with the folks at Alteryx and there were some limitations there with getting them the install and sharing attachments. I discovered I could wrap the install into a yxzp file and include instructions and a help file. JP was very helpful with identifying some of the nuances of working with the SDK and offered some suggestions on improving the tool. I needed to incorporate the "UpdateOnly" parameter because the C# code was executing every time a new tool was added to the canvas. I didn't know that the Alteryx Engine had a special feature where it runs the workflow (with no actual records other than metadata) every time a new tool is added.  


He also suggested I add some date filtering capability to the tool, allowing people to avoid downloading their entire inbox if they select “Inbox”.  For this I added a configuration element for the user to input a query string and included a link to the documentation to build the query.




Using the Outlook Input Tool


You may be tempted to point this sucker to your Inbox right out of the gate, and I don't know what your Inbox looks like, but if it looks anything like some of our testers, I'd advise against that. Play with your drafts folder or deleted items first.


You may find copying the search syntax from Outlook into the Query String helpful:


copy the query string from outlookcopy the query string from outlook


As for me, this is how I've been using the tool. In this example I filter out a specific Excel file and send it through a Dynamic Input tool to see the results. I'll leave it up to you to discover new and interesting ways to consume the files that you no longer have to manually fish out of your inboxes.





giphy-downsized (2).gifBut wait, there’s more!  Act now and as a bonus you get the added message stream allowing you to perform any number of analytics on your email messages.  And if that isn’t enough, join the two streams together on Message ID for maximum analytical potential!!





What's included in the package


You'll find an Alteryx *.yxzp file attached to this post. When you open it in Alteryx Designer, you will see installation instructions:


Outlook Tools Install instructions.png


and a help file


Outlook Tools Install help file.png


The workflow is a single RunCommand tool that will install the Outlook Input tool. You can find my source code on Git Hub.


I hope you find the Outlook Input tool useful. This has been a fun and exciting project and I can't wait to see what creative ways the community finds to use this tool. Use the comments below to let me know your experience working with the tool.


UPDATE 8/1/2017:

A new version is available on the gallery: https://gallery.alteryx.com/#!app/Outlook-Tools-Install/597b35c2f499c716ec34a782.



  • Implemented paging to prevent timeouts through the Exchange Web Services when working with large inboxes and complex filters.  Note: you still may need to adjust throttling settings on your server: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/jj945066(v=exchg.150).aspx.
  • Updated the installer to remove previously installed versions of the tools so it's not cluttering up your programs list.

Mind-Blowing @rpaugh 

Like most tool in Alteryx, you can cache the tool so it does not run run everytime you run the workflow.

Is there a way you can add that functionality?


Screenshot (3319)_LI.jpg


Error: OutlookInputTool (1): Unexpected end of file has occurred. The following elements are not closed: t:Content, t:FileAttachment, m:Attachments, m:GetAttachmentResponseMessage, m:ResponseMessages, m:GetAttachmentResponse, s:Body, s:Envelope. Line 1, position 1350289.
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowUnclosedElements()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
at System.Xml.XmlCharCheckingReader.Read()
at System.Xml.ReadContentAsBinaryHelper.MoveToNextContentNode(Boolean moveIfOnContentNode)
at System.Xml.ReadContentAsBinaryHelper.ReadContentAsBinary(Byte[] buffer, Int32 index, Int32 count)
at System.Xml.ReadContentAsBinaryHelper.ReadElementContentAsBinary(Byte[] buffer, Int32 index, Int32 count)
at System.Xml.XmlCharCheckingReader.ReadElementContentAsBase64(Byte[] buffer, Int32 index, Int32 count)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EwsXmlReader.ReadBase64ElementValue(Stream outputStream)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FileAttachment.TryReadElementFromXml(EwsServiceXmlReader reader)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ComplexProperty.InternalLoadFromXml(EwsServiceXmlReader reader, XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String xmlElementName, Func`2 readAction)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ComplexProperty.LoadFromXml(EwsServiceXmlReader reader, XmlNamespace xmlNamespace, String xmlElementName)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.GetAttachmentResponse.ReadElementsFromXml(EwsServiceXmlReader reader)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceResponse.LoadFromXml(EwsServiceXmlReader reader, String xmlElementName)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.MultiResponseServiceRequest`1.ParseResponse(EwsServiceXmlReader reader)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ServiceRequestBase.ReadResponse(EwsServiceXmlReader ewsXmlReader)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SimpleServiceRequestBase.ReadResponseXml(Stream responseStream)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SimpleServiceRequestBase.ReadResponse(IEwsHttpWebResponse response)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.MultiResponseServiceRequest`1.Execute()
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FileAttachment.Load(Stream stream)
at OutlookTools.OutlookEmail.GetAttachmentsFromItem(Item item)
at OutlookTools.OutlookEmail.GetItemsFromFolder(ExchangeService service, Object folder, Boolean isRoot)
at OutlookTools.OutlookEmail.GetItems(Int64 recordLimit)
at OutlookTools.OutlookInputToolEngine.PI_PushAllRecords(Int64 nRecordLimit)
at SRC.Alteryx.GenericNetPluginInterface.PI_PushAllRecords(GenericNetPluginInterface* , Int64 nRecordLimit)



This is the error message I get @rpaugh 

When I connect any tool to the output of the outlook tool it gives that error.

I cannot cache the tool, then I tried writing into an excel file so I can do some data prep and later connect the workflow to the outlook too but that keeps giving this error.

Screenshot (3321).png


@DotDigitals for caching, simply throw a Select tool on one or both outputs and cache and run that.


Regarding the error, I've not seen that one before. I'll look into it. In the meantime, would you be able to provide further insight into when that error showed up and what email content you were trying to pull?


I was looking for just such a tool and downloaded it but get the same error as one of the other posters 

Error: OutlookInputTool (1): The Autodiscover service couldn't be located.
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Autodiscover.AutodiscoverService.InternalGetLegacyUserSettings[TSettings](String emailAddress, List`1 redirectionEmailAddresses, Int32& currentHop)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Autodiscover.AutodiscoverService.GetLegacyUserSettings[TSettings](String emailAddress)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Autodiscover.AutodiscoverService.InternalGetLegacyUserSettings(String emailAddress, List`1 requestedSettings)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Autodiscover.AutodiscoverService.GetUserSettings(String userSmtpAddress, UserSettingName[] userSettingNames)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService.GetAutodiscoverUrl(String emailAddress, ExchangeVersion requestedServerVersion, AutodiscoverRedirectionUrlValidationCallback validateRedirectionUrlCallback)
at Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService.AutodiscoverUrl(String emailAddress, AutodiscoverRedirectionUrlValidationCallback validateRedirectionUrlCallback)
at OutlookTools.OutlookEmail.GetItems(Int64 recordLimit)
at OutlookTools.OutlookInputToolEngine.PI_PushAllRecords(Int64 nRecordLimit)
at SRC.Alteryx.GenericNetPluginInterface.PI_PushAllRecords(GenericNetPluginInterface* , Int64 nRecordLimit)


The most recent version of outlook in your tool is Exchange2013_SP1 but we are on 2016.  is there an updated version or is my error about autodiscovery unrelated?


@fharper The version selection just tells the tool the minimum version to look for so you don't try to access fields that aren't available in previous versions. The autodiscovery error usually means you either don't have permission to use the autodiscover feature or it's turned off by your IT team (I've seen this before). If your IT department hasn't shut off the web services to your Exchange server completely then you can use a manual service URL like "https://<your exchange location>/ews/exchange.asmx".


Hi @rpaugh

it seems to be a great tool, but I struggle to set it up.


I added User Name (my address), password, selected exchange server version, added service URL (exchange address), mailbox (the same as user name), selected Inbox, start/end dates, fields and added simple query - body:state. I tried to run it with other settings, but I the bellow errors. Would it suggest any particular issue?


Start: Designer x64: Started running at 10/27/2020 08:27:12
Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: Allocating requested dedicated sort/join memory would be more than available physical memory. Reverting to 807.5 MB of memory.
Error: Outlook Input (1): PI_Init
Error: Outlook Input (1): c.Fields is not iterable
Error: Outlook Input (1): TypeError: c.Fields is not iterable
at Object.Alteryx.Plugin.PI_PushAllRecords (file:///C:/Users/e661818/AppData/Roaming/Alteryx/Tools/Outlook%20Input/Outlook%20InputEngine.html:134:37)
at Object.<anonymous> (file:///C:/Users/e661818/AppData/Local/Alteryx/bin/RuntimeData/HtmlAssets/Shared/1/lib/compiled/alteryx/engine/main.js:199:28)
at file:///C:/Users/e661818/AppData/Roaming/Alteryx/Tools/Outlook%20Input/Outlook%20InputEngine.html:1:16
End: Designer x64: Finished running in 2.2 seconds with 3 errors


@SOleksy It looks like it didn't like your field selection. Would you mind sharing your configuration? Or send it via PM if you don't want something shared here?


Thanks for your response Rick.

That's the error I got today:
Start: Designer x64: Started running ***\Sebastian\Alteryx\outlook.yxmd at 10/29/2020 11:42:33
Info: Designer x64: The Designer x64 reported: Allocating requested dedicated sort/join memory would be more than available physical memory. Reverting to 708.0 MB of memory.
Error: Outlook Input (1): FindItems Error.
Error: Outlook Input (1): {}
End: Designer x64: Finished running outlook.yxmd in 2.1 seconds with 2 errors

I thought that it's related to the query on the bottom, if I use incorrect username or password I still get the same error.





Below that I chose dates, selected some fields and added such query: body:thanks




@SOleksy What happens if you remove the query filter? Does it work then? I don't believe you can query body directly so you'll have to focus on things like subject, date received, recipient, etc. to filter your results, then use an Alteryx filter tool to reduce the results down further. Also, some items of note:

  • Service URL only works if you select the "Use Manual Service URL" checkbox. And if you do that you're likely looking for something that ends with ".../ews/exchange.asmx".
  • Mailbox only works if you select the "Use Different Mailbox" checkbox.
  • The date fields you mentioned selecting only work for calendar queries. If you want to filter email messages by date, you'll have to do it in the query string (e.g. DateTimeReceived:yesterday).

@rpaugh, thanks for your suggestions.

I think that I tried all possible settings.

When I tick Manual Service URL and Different mailbox and remove query I get this error:


Error: Outlook Input (3): Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined
Error: Outlook Input (3): TypeError: Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined
at new Uri (file:///C:/Users/e661818/AppData/Roaming/Alteryx/Tools/Outlook%20Input/ews-javascript-api/ExchangeWebService.js:3826:39)
at Object.Alteryx.Plugin.PI_PushAllRecords (file:///C:/Users/e661818/AppData/Roaming/Alteryx/Tools/Outlook%20Input/Outlook%20InputEngine.html:175:35)
at Object.<anonymous> (file:///C:/Users/e661818/AppData/Local/Alteryx/bin/RuntimeData/HtmlAssets/Shared/1/lib/compiled/alteryx/engine/main.js:199:28)
at file:///C:/Users/e661818/AppData/Roaming/Alteryx/Tools/Outlook%20Input/Outlook%20InputEngine.html:1:...


We use Exchange2010_SP3 and as it's not on the list I select SP2.


Hi @rpaugh 


This tool is working as expected for me in my local machine, but While exporting workflow to the server I am getting error as “Cannot find the plugin”, do we need to install the plugin in server.  if so, will it work as it is in gallery once it is installed in server.


To schedule and auto run the workflow which as outlook email tool,  what are the steps that we need to follow, do we need to install Microsoft Exchange outlook in server machine in order for it to work





@SOleksy Are you using an on-premise Exchange server or Office365?


@Avanthi you will need to install the tool on the server as well.


Hi @rpaugh !


I've just discovered your tool and I'm having some trouble setting it up.


I'm using the old version (not office 365) and I'm having this message after dropping the tool on the canvas :




Is this a nown issue?


Thank you for your help.




Hi @rpaugh


it will be exchange on-prem server


@SOleksy That's interesting. Can you share your service URL? PM me if you like.


@HatemL Yes, that is a know issue. Here's how another user said to solve it: "I have solved the problem below by changing the language settings ("Date,time, or number format settings") on the Windows server settings page to English."


Hi @rpaugh


I keep getting an error on the tool, was hoping you could help me decipher it.


"The request failed. The remote server returned an error: 401 Unauthorized." 


I met with our Exchange IT team and they cannot come up with a reason (firewall or permissions) why I am getting this error since I am locally able to connect to the Exchange Server from Outlook itself.


Please help! 🙂




Hi @rpaugh !  I love this tool, but I'm having issues getting it to run on our server.  I get the Can't find plugin "OutlookTools.dll" error even when the tool is installed.


@ChristineF You're probably using your standard email address as the username instead of the domain format. So if your email is ChristineF@acme.com, but your Windows username is "cf", then your username should be something more like cf@acme.com


@Drstaples This commonly happens on server installations when Alteryx is installed under one user context and the Outlook tool under another. You need to match the two. So if Alteryx is installed in program files, then install the Outlook tool there as well. If Alteryx was installed under a specific user context then it will be in an AppData/Local folder, and therefore the Outlook tool should be installed there as well...or at least in a location that Alteryx has permission to read. There are some examples of this earlier in the blog article....found it:


Sometimes servers are set up with different drive and installation settings so it's possible that the DLLs installed to the correct location, but the .ini file that tells Alteryx where to look for those DLLs may not have the right path.  Locate your OutlookInputTool.ini file on the server, open it in notepad, and make sure the path in it points to the location you selected during installation.  


For example, in my case the DLLs installed to:

  • C:\Program Files\Alteryx\Outlook

...my OutlookInputTool.ini installed to:

  • C:\Program Files\Alteryx\Settings\AdditionalPlugins

...and the path in the .ini file is:

  • C:\Program Files\Alteryx\Outlook

Another thing to keep in mind is that the directory in which you installed the tool needs to be accessible by Alteryx, which is why the default location is the same as the Alteryx Designer's default directory.  


@rpaugh Thanks for the reply, I actually checked the email address multiple ways, basically all the possible combinations of user name with domain format. Still cannot get it to work. Is this error specific to that scenario?


@ChristineF Does your Exchange server allow Basic Authentication? I know some IT teams have disabled this.


Hi All, 


I utilize the Outlook Input Tool to save attachments to our company's network drive in numerous workflow.  We have recently migrated our email servers from Exchange to Office365 so I was happy to see the new Outlook Input (Office365) Beta tool.  


I have two questions/concerns regarding the new Outlook Office365 Tool:

1. Is there a way to specify where to save the attachment? and

2. Is there a way to specify sub-folders?


Original Outlook Input Tool



There doesn't appear to be anywhere to specify where to save attachments or inbox sub-folders.



Am I missing something here?  


Please help!



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@rpaugh noticed that @mfresques had a similar question to one I've seen elsewhere - does this version have the ability to read / save attachments to a specific location? Thanks!


@mfresques @MikeN I apologize for the late response, for some reason I didn't get the notification of your post. Yes, you can save attachments to other locations with the Office365 version of the tool, the new Microsoft API for email has just changed how attachments are returned. In the new tool they are returned as a byte string so you simply need to use a blob convert tool to convert it to a blob then the blob output tool to put the file wherever you like. In the example below I used a formula field to create a full path from the file name field from the attachment output stream then replaced the entire file path with field option of the blob output. I've added my configuration options to the annotations below.


Alteryx Outlook Attachment Save.png

This is a little more work than the previous tool, but gives you much more flexibility over how you want to handle each file.


As for the folders, Microsoft's new API handles folders more like Google does (in that they are not quite a true folder structure and instead rely on IDs) and flipped the item query logic from "folder first" to "file first". This means traversing folders in the new API is more complicated and drastically reduces the performance of the tool. With Office365 every folder has an ID in the URL. If you copy the ID of the folder you want and paste into the Outlook Input tool's Folder configuration item then the tool will query that folder directly. This allows you to jump directly to any desired folder - you just need the ID (hint: it's a very long string of characters). The good news is that with the new tool when you search for a particular email you can enter the filter criteria to get you directly to that email without first having to specify the sub-folder in which to search. It's also much more performant this way.


@rpaugh - I have used this tool in my previous position with another company. I am trying to install it on my new computer at my new job. I have admin rights and have no issues downloading the file and running the install. The tool never appears under Connectors. Even after rebooting my computer, closing out of Alteryx, running Alteryx as an admin...nothing has worked. Running out of ideas. Thoughts?


@kheuer Where did you install the tool vs where Alteryx is installed? This usually happens when they're installed in different locations - e.g. Alteryx installed for all (program files folder) but the tool only for you (appdata folder). Another option is to download the Office365 version of the tool instead if you can, which I highly recommend.


@rpaugh - thanks for the reply. I uninstalled where the program was initially and saved it in the same location where I have Alteryx installed (see below). I restarted Alteryx, but the tool still does not show up. I have admin rights and the wizard tells me that the install ran correctly. Do you have any other suggestions?



Side question - you suggested the Outlook Input 365 tool in the Gallery. I downloaded it and ran the workflow, but once again I do not see the tool show up under Connectors. Probably the same root cause. 😞 


Thanks for the help. I hope I can get this to work. I used it in my former position, but have problem installing it with my new computer.



@kheuer Go into your Outlook tool folder, look for the .ini file, and verify that the path in it is pointing to where Alteryx is installed on your machine. If not, set the correct path and save the file, then restart Alteryx. I definitely do recommend the Office365 version - it only says beta because so many people still use the old version that I didn't want to overwrite it yet. However, the installation process is different. For the Office365 version, you run the tool in the gallery until you get to a final information page. That final page contains a link to the .yxi file. Downloading and running that file will open Alteryx's native installation process and install the tool. Let me know if this works for you or if you need further assistance.


I am using outlook tool in my workflow it runs when i run it on designer but when i save it in alteryx gallery while validating it gives me error stating "input #1 is not initialized". It may be because it is validating the possibility of missing incoming connection if there is no email received in that particular day. Is there any workaround to it, I would like the workflow to run even if no email is found just bypass it and send error message


@Uday007 Would you mind posting a screenshot and/or more information about your workflow? Without seeing how everything is set up I'm not exactly sure what the error could be.


@rpaugh Thank you so much for developing this awesome tool. Earlier I had to import the emails to MS Access first and then get into my workflow. But thanks to you i can get the emails directly to my workflow.


I am able to use this in my alteryx designer but when I am trying to save it alteryx gallery it gives me Can't find plugin "OutlookTools.dll" error. I checked the path in OutlookInputPlugin.ini file and it is correct. Please let me know what can i do to run it in from Alteryx Gallery.


Thanks in advance!!


.@rpaugh I have what's likely a very basic question for you. I got this tool setup and it is able to save the attachments to a network location I specify. The basic question is that how do I then look to pull the information within the attachment I pull into the workflow so I can work with the fields and their respective data.


Do I need to set this up as two separate workflows?




@Prashant_Raju I would verify that the Alteryx installation on the server hosting the gallery matches the location of the Outlook took installation. This typically happens in server installations where one installed as admin and the other as a user.


@dlebar01 To consume the attachment you can send the attachment output path to a dynamic input tool and consume from there. Or yes, you can use a second workflow.




Do you know if this works at all with 2FA or does that block everything? First I was getting autodisover error. Then after putting in the manual URL I am getting an unauthorized error. It was working fine before we switched to 2FA.


@BYIsles With the old tool, no. With the new tool (office365), yes.


Is anyone familiar with how the Unique attachments naming convention is set up? It seems to be a random set of numbers, and I am wondering if I could suffix the file name with the datetime received or something of that nature?


@FJ_Shafeek It's the date the moment the attachment is received by the tool in case there is a need to differentiate duplicates within the same flow and/or email.


Thank you, how could I go about converting it to an actual datetime value?


@FJ_Shafeek If I recall correctly it was a UTC time, so you could parse it out from the name and convert from there.


Thanks, just in case anyone is curious you can parse out the integer at the end of the unique file name with a text-to-column tool, then use this formula to convert the integer into a UTC datetime format:




Then to convert it to PST:


DateTimeAdd([convertField], -7, 'hours')



I downloaded the package and followed the instruction for installation, but the icon is not showing in my Connectors!


I can see that the Outlook folder has been added to my Alteryx program files as attached to this post.


Would you please help me out?





@VahidGoli When you open the .ini file in the Outlook folder where is the path pointing? It needs to point to the location in which Alteryx is installed.


It is fixed now!



Hi @rpaugh


This tool could be a huge time saver for many employees of our company. I tested it on my account with a Test folder and it worked just fine.
Unfortunately it failed with inbox and others folders.


I have searched in all 14 comment pages and i think this error isn't shown yet. I hope you can take a look into it and maybe help me out. Many thanks in advance!

The error's name is translated from german below ...


Error: OutlookInputTool (1): Ein Aufrufziel hat einen Ausnahmefehler verursacht. (translate: a call target caused an exeption)
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimePropertyInfo.GetValue(Object obj, Object[] index)
   at OutlookTools.OutlookInputToolEngine.PI_PushAllRecords(Int64 nRecordLimit)
   at SRC.Alteryx.GenericNetPluginInterface.PI_PushAllRecords(GenericNetPluginInterface* , Int64 nRecordLimit)




@NPham00 That's definitely a new error. Do you have any other information you can provide such as your configuration settings? PM me if you don't want to share any information here.


@rpaugh Thanks for your reply. I believe i dont have any further configuration settings. Just have my account, search folder and all fields selected.
P/S: Exchange2013_SP1 is selected


@NPham00 Are you connecting to Office365 or an on-premise server?


@rpaugh That's a good question. I am usually connecting to Office365.
I tried to connect both 365 and on-premise server, then run the Workflow. This time the same error is still shown, but i get somehow 3 records displayed.
They were 3 Emails out of 1000....




Hello @rpaugh my client is having issues installing the Outlook Input tool package on our Stage Alteryx server. We run the Outlook package on the Stage server and everything runs without errors, but the Outlook tools never actually install.  Do you know if this package only works for local installation? I am able to install the Outlook package on my machine without any issues, so I am wondering if this package only applies to a generic user license? Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!  


Hi @rpaugh.


Using the older version of the tool, as of Friday we started getting the following error:


Error: OutlookInputTool (3): The request failed. The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel.

Can I just confirm that this is likely to be yet another server related change our side? Microsoft shouldn't be disabling Basic Auth until H2 and IT aren't being particularly helpful regarding this issue.