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Revised Q2 2020 Alteryx User Group meeting

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi everyone,


I hope isolation is treating you all well in these strange times!


We have a data for our next user group meeting: Monday 25th May.


It will of course be a virtual session and I'll confirm the exact time and details in the next few days.


I'm currently putting the content together, so if you have any suggestions or requests, please reach out to me.


Please also remember the Alteryx For Good challenge from our Q1 meeting. I want your suggestions on data we can scrape, clean and republish that will help vulnerable groups within our society in Ireland. We can then work together to build this out.


I'll be in touch with more details soon.


Stay safe and happy Alteryxing!

8 - Asteroid

excellent.  thanks david.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi everyone,


I've decided to postpone next week's Dublin User group meeting. I'm sorry for the short notice.


The reason is that I'm in conversation with Chris, our User Group liaison from Alteryx.


We're looking at combining regional User Groups - in our case UK and Ireland - so that we can hold joint user group meetings. We're planning a kickoff meeting with other User Group leaders from our region to agree how it will work.


This means that we'll be able to listen to Alteryx Superheroes from our other regional groups such as ACE's Chris Love, Ben Moss, James Dunkerley and many others. 


I'll keep you posted as soon as I have more news and announce the new date here as well as send out Eventbrite invites.


Stay safe!


8 - Asteroid

thanks for the update david, much appreciated.  keep safe.

5 - Atom

Brilliant ! Thank you David 

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