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Dev Space

Customize and extend the power of Alteryx with SDKs, APIs, custom tools, and more.

Question: Any ideas how to create 2 outputs for Platform SDK?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey all,


Looking at the CLI documentation ( it says that ayx_workspace.json controls much of the config and is baked into the Config.xml file


Is this the correct place to change, if I wanted to add a second output node (like we used to do in the <toolname>config.xml file in the engine SDK)?


Reason for asking is that I've created two output nodes as per the below, but for some reason my tool still has only 1 node without any node labels.

"output_anchors": {
     "Output": {
         "label": "S",
         "allow_multiple": true,
         "optional": false
    "ErrorOutput": {
        "label": "E",
        "allow_multiple": true,
        "optional": true

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi Sean,

If you don't have too much work put into this one yet, I'd recommend starting with a new tool on the CLI.

if you run ayx_plugin_cli create-ayx-plugin the second option you'll fill out is the tool type. One of these is "multiple-outputs" and it should hopefully provide a working example of this file structure.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

🙂 Thank you @CassC  - gonna try this over the weekend.    I'm OK to blow away the work I've done so-far and start again, all good learning.