Customer Support Policy Knowledge Base

Alteryx Customer Support documentation

Localization and Language Support Across Products


Localization Per Product


The table below illustrates the level of localization for a particular product. If the language has an “x” attributed to it, this means the product has a localized, translated UI and our localization team of linguistic specialists work to support this product. If the language does not have an “x” attributed, then that language is not a language option of the UI for that product.  


Example: Designer Desktop and the Intelligence Suite can be utilized in any of our eight supported languages either by OS language preference at install, the globe icon to the right of Help in the main menu bar of Designer, or profile settings in Server, whereas Connect is English only. 


Product Name English French German Japanese LATAM
Brazilian Portuguese Italian Simplified Chinese
Designer x x x x x x x x
Server x x x x x x x x
Alteryx Intelligence Suite x x x x x x x x
Alteryx  Analytics Cloud Platform x              


Language Support Per Product 


If a customer asks about an issue around a product, our support team will try to recreate the issue; if it’s reproducible, a case is opened and a communication around resolution/expectations will be delivered to the customer. 


Example: If a French user runs into an issue on Connect that impedes them from using Connect because of their French environment, their issue should be supported and addressed even if they’re using one of our products that consists of an English UI. 


Product Name English French German Japanese LATAM
Brazilian Portuguese Italian Simplified Chinese
Designer x x x x x x x x
Server x x x x x x x x
Connect x x x x x x x x
Promote x x x x x x x x
Alteryx Intelligence Suite x x x x x x x x
Alteryx  Analytics Cloud Platform x x x x x x x x


Text Mining Tools Language Capabilities


The Text Mining category within the Alteryx Intelligence Suite SKU has varied language support due to the underlying spaCy library. Examples of varied language support are shown below.  


  • Users can create word clouds with the Word Cloud Tool with French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian text. Multi-byte character languages, such as Japanese and Chinese, are not supported and thus users are not able to create word clouds with the Word Cloud tool with Japanese and Chinese characters.  


  • The Sentiment Analysis Tool is currently only able to perform sentiment analysis on English text. 


Product Name English French German Japanese LATAM
Brazilian Portuguese Italian Simplified Chinese
Text Pre-Processing x x x   x x x  
Sentiment Analysis x x x   x x x  
Word Cloud x x x   x x x  
Topic Modeling x x x   x x x  
Named Entity Recognition x x x   x x x  
Part-of-Speech Tagger x x x   x x x  
Text Summary x x x   x x x  
Zero-shot Text Classification x              


Machine Learning & Computer Vision Tools Language Capabilities

All tools contained in the Machine Learning and Computer Vision categories have full language support in addition to the language capabilities listed below. 


  • Although not a supported language, the Image to Text tool can also support Arabic in addition to the Alteryx-supported languages. 


  • The PDF to Text “Read Text Content Only” option is language agnostic, meaning it will work for any language as long as it is text-encoded content in the PDF binary of system-generated PDFs. 
Note: All tools contained in the Intelligence Suite have been localized, meaning the Graphic User Interfaces have been translated, reviewed, and localized by our internal team of linguistic specialists.
Please contact Martina Post at with any questions about this article.