Community News

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I beg your garden? It’s time for another Top Contributors blog post! This month we’re celebrating good chives with our users that stood out among the rest. All our users are unbeleafable, these are Top Contributors for March!


Source: via GIPHY




Problem solvers – Most solutions


Who knew plants could be this smart? Orchids can disguise their petals as insects in order to get pollen to spread, like how our Problem Solvers spread around good solutions to the entire Community. In reality, our Problem Solvers are actually helping every Community member they can by answering their toughest questions (we would love to see a plant do that!) 



Source: Unsplash



@binuacs – 84 solutions

@BS_THE_ANALYST – 60 solutions

@ShankerV– 46 solutions


Conversation Starter – Threads Started


The funny thing about sunflowers is you never see just one; they grow in patches of bright, beautiful yellows and greens. The sunflower is like our Conversation Starters in that sunflowers are instantly recognizable and are a shining example of Community. Our Conversation Starters for the month of March are friendly and curious, always looking to ask questions no one else thinks to ask.



Source: Unsplash



@wonka1234– 28 thread

@Hammad_Rashid– 26 thread

@sriniprad08– 16 thread


Prolific Posters – Most Replies


Aloe Vera has so many uses that I’m turning green just thinking about it! Aloe Vera, like our Prolific Posters, always seems to have the answer to any problem you could possibly think of (kind of like Windex). While Aloe Vera may help with sunburns and blisters, our Prolific Posters will always give their best shot at helping others.



Source: Unsplash



@binuacs– 302 replies

@BS_THE_ANALYST– 216 replies

@ShankerV– 167 replies


Peer reviewed – Most likes received


Who doesn’t like getting roses? Our users that received the most likes in the month of March sure do know what to say to get on people’s good side. These users resemble the rose because of their resemblance to kindness and passion for the Alteryx Community. Whether they are saying hello, solving problems, or pitching into a conversation, our Peer Reviewed users are always a welcome sight in Community.



Source: Unsplash



@binuacs– 182 - likes

@BS_THE_ANALYST- 149 likes

@simonaubert_bd-111 likes


Thanks for reading this month’s instalment of Top Contributor, if you didn’t make this month, were rooting for you next time!

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