Community News

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What's all this buzz about? It's time to recognize our Top Contributors for the month of August! Our Maveryx absolutely snailed it this month, and if you see them browsing the Community, don’t be afraid to congratulate them on their hard work!


Problem solvers – Most solutions





 Source: Unsplash


The Honeybee is an icon in the insect world. These busy bees work harder than most, providing for the greater good of the hive and going out of their way to share their hard-earned wisdom with those who need it.  Our users with the most solutions really embody the Honeybee mentality when they consistently have the answers for those who need them.


@Felipe_Ribeir0 – 67 solutions

@FinnCharlton – 38 solutions

@binuacs  – 32 solutions


Conversation Starter – Threads Started



Source: Unsplash


Get it… threads started? Anyway, spiders sometimes get a bad rap for the good they do. This month's conversation starters are a lot like a spider; they spin webs to grow and survive, much like how these users put out discussion threads to capture information they may not have known. These users are patient and curious, always looking to add to their wide range of knowledge on all topics discussed.


@KamenRider  – 17 threads

@wonka1234 – 16 threads

@caltang – 13 threads



Prolific Posters – Most Replies




 Source: Unsplash


Did you know that there are 20 quadrillion ants on this planet? That's a whole lot of ants scurrying around. Ants are said to be the most social and interactive of the insect kingdom, constantly communicating with each other on what’s best for the colony and always lending a hand when needed. Our prolific posters must really like an ants methodology because they can be found everywhere in the Maveryx Community, always busy and looking out for the greater good of the Colony.


@gawa – 421 replies (!!!)

@Felipe_Ribeir0  – 178 replies

@mithily – 137 replies



Peer reviewed – Most likes received



 Source: Unsplash



A Ladybug is always welcome, especially if you are an avid gardener. The users with the most likes in the month of August can be seen making everyone in the Community feel a little bit better about each visit to the Community, and they always do their best to make sure they lead by example. Like the ladybug, seeing these users around always leads to a better day.


@Felipe_Ribeir0  – 88 likes

@nicolascorreiacolombo – 73 likes

@binuacs – 59 likes



Thank you for joining us for another Top Contributors blog post. We cannot bee-lieve the amount of effort every Maverick brings to the Community. See you next time!
