Community News

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This month, we compare the Top Contributors to your favorite ways to quench your thirst. Did your favorite beverage (or Maverick) make the list? There's only one way to find out! 


Problem solvers – Most solutions






The great problem solver, coffee definitely feels like the solution to everything sometimes. If we could embody the users with the most solutions into one beverage, it would have to be coffee (no other drink has the energy requirements). Coffee and our problem solvers are both adaptable and full of energy, always there for you when you are at your darkest and most tired moments and you need someone to pick you up!



Top 3 users 

@binuacs - 30 solutions authored

@CoG - 24 solutions authored

@alexnajm - 17 solutions authored



NEW! Solutions Savant – Most solutions accepted






This category is a new way for us to highlight users that increase others' ability to find answers to their questions even quicker! When you mark a solution, you enter into a symbiotic relationship between you and the person answering your question! You get your question answered, and they get recognition for being a knowledgeable community contributor. 


That being said, we want to equate these solutions accepters to blueberry juice! If the Community was one giant brain (not a super far stretch) then these users are feeding it blueberry juice by marking solutions. Blueberry juice is said to give a boost to your brain activity and blood flow, making it the perfect comparison to our users who accepted the most solutions in the month of January. 


Top 3 users

@calvincarr29   - 9 solutions accepted 

@Alteryxuserhere  - 7 solutions accepted

@ArnabSengupta  - 5 solutions accepted



Conversation Starter – Threads Started






It seems like everywhere in the world, people everywhere love to sit down for a cup of tea and catch up about life. Tea is the beverage of choice for those who like to relax and have long conversations with friends and family. Our conversation starters embody this practice through their presence in the Community, starting conversations often for the love and curiosity of other people's opinions and knowledge. These users approach starting a discussion post much like others would approach putting the kettle on for an afternoon or morning tea. 



Top 3 users

@Alteryxuserhere  - 16 threads

@aatalai  - 12 threads

@simonaubert_bd  - 10 threads


Prolific Posters – Most Replies





When deciding what beverage our Prolific Posters best resembled, this was the first thing that came to my mind. I don't actually know what this is called, but no matter what you call it, this "everything soda" speaks to our top users' ability to be everywhere seemingly at the same time. Taking time to visit each post (or soda nozzle) and leaving a comment is something that establishes these users as people who truly embrace the meaning of Community. 


Top 3 users

@asultanov  - 147 replies

@Rob-Silk - 142 replies

@aatalai  - 131 replies


Peer reviewed – Most likes received






Water is the most consumed beverage in the entire world! If our users with the most likes received would be a drink, it would most definitely be water. Water is used for an almost infinite number of things, but almost none are as important as fueling these users to continue to post amazing content on the Community for all to see! 



Top 3 users 

@simonaubert_bd - 124 likes

@alexnajm - 76 likes

@gawa - 69 likes



2024 is off to a great start! We appreciate all that our Top Contributors do every day to make the Community a welcoming and interesting place! If there are any stats you think would be good to highlight Top contributors for, please do not hesitate to leave them in the comments of this post! 

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