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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

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Today’s ACE spotlight is @Ken_Black! Keep reading to learn more about Ken and what makes him a unique Alteryx super user.


Tell us a bit about your professional background. 


I have summarized my background in a Tableau Dashboard! Otherwise, I'd have to write too much. Here is the dashboard:




What is one fun thing about you that community members might not know? 


I write a blog that contains a collection of articles to help people learn to work efficiently and effectively in Alteryx, as well as how to use other analytical techniques. I have tried to write useful and inspiring articles that maintain significance over time. The blog is called Data Blends, which started in 2013 as a blogging experiment that ultimately lasted 2.5 years.


By analyzing the readership of articles, I learned many things that helped me achieve my goal of writing useful articles. I enjoy sharing my insights and knowledge with the hope of helping people achieve greatness in their careers.


What is your favorite Alteryx tool, and why? 


The Formula tool. Formulas are where most of my work gets done. I wish I could quantify how much I use the formula tool, but this article offers some insights.


What has been your favorite Alteryx project? 


I have been working on quantifying climate change for over eight years! It's been made possible by Alteryx. I have gained a much deeper understanding of climate change than I ever anticipated would be possible.




What is your favorite Alteryx memory? 


Getting a phone call from Libby Duane in 2015. She asked me if I would consider becoming an Alteryx ACE. This was one of my career highlights, and it was totally unexpected. My thoughts from this time were captured in this article.


What advice do you have for new community members?


Never stop learning. Alteryx is a fantastic platform for exercising your data creativity. Here are the reasons why.


What is your favorite way to engage as an ACE? Also, what area of the online community do you spend the most time in?


By writing articles to help others and by doing software evaluations. This article explains what I mean about being an Alteryx software tester.



Ken in his timeless data hat


So you’re an Alteryx ACE and a Tableau Zen Master?


Yes. In 2014, I was one of the first people to openly state that advanced analytics could be accomplished very effectively with the combination of Alteryx and Tableau. Alteryx did not have the visualization capabilities I needed, and Tableau did not have the data prep capabilities I desired. With years of experience now completed using this software combination, I have shown that I am able to rapidly comprehend and solve problems across whatever enterprise I work within.


Silly question... if you were a kitchen appliance/utensil, what would you be and why? 


The garbage disposal. I see myself as a data grinder that works without complaint, much like a garbage disposal processes food waste. Although bad data can help us improve our data collection methods, ultimately, it goes down the disposal if it can’t be fixed. The good data gets consumed. I’m way too heavy now since I’ve consumed so much good data!


Ok, now finally, let’s do a quick “This or That” to get to know your Alteryx preferences!


This or That Alteryx Edition (Instagram Story) (33) (1).png


Tune in next week to meet another amazing ACE!


Want to learn more about what ACEs do and how to become one? Check out this page to see details about the program.


Megan Bowers
Sr. Content Manager

Hi, I'm Megan! I am a Sr. Content Manager at Alteryx. I work to make sure our blogs and podcast have high quality, helpful, and engaging content. As a data analyst turned writer, I am passionate about making analytics & data science accessible (and fun) for all. If there is content that you think the community is missing, feel free to message me--I would love to hear about it.

Hi, I'm Megan! I am a Sr. Content Manager at Alteryx. I work to make sure our blogs and podcast have high quality, helpful, and engaging content. As a data analyst turned writer, I am passionate about making analytics & data science accessible (and fun) for all. If there is content that you think the community is missing, feel free to message me--I would love to hear about it.

20 - Arcturus
20 - Arcturus

"All data is guilty until proven innocent.", Ken Black 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

"I write a blog, nobody knows that..." - Ken "The Blogmonster" Black.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Great guy and great read! @Ken_Black 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

@Ken_Black is so genuine and passionate. His inspire talk on climate change at Nashville was very memorable.    

9 - Comet
9 - Comet

Thank you Megan for the ACE spotlight. This series has been fun to follow and has helped me learn about the incredible talent pool known as the "Alteryx ACEs!".

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@Ken_Black I've been enjoying learning about everyone too! :)