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5 - Atom

Hi Sebastian / All,


Hope you are well.


I am trying to configure my Designer Cloud Telemetry Tool and getting below error while attempting to connect.



I also tried by entering the complete URL including the workspace name and the error was different this time as below



Kindly note,  I have successfully managed to generate the token using the steps mentioned in attached ‘Alteryx_Designer_Cloud_Datasheet.pdf’ along with steps to generate token using below URL.




Can you please help me in understanding the cause of this error and possible resolution.


Thanks & Regards,




Hi Ady. Thanks for checking this new tool. 

Could you test with this parameters:
AAC URL: https://{workspace_name}.us1.alteryxcloud.com

what type of token did you create? 

as per this image, in my case i have a workspace with name : ayx-professional-services in eu control plane.iScreenshot 2024-05-09 at 12.55.56.png

5 - Atom

Hi Antonio,


Thanks for the quick response and help. I tried including the URL in the mentioned format but no luck.





Hi Ady,

Let's validate the endpoint and bearer token.
When you log into the AAC via the web interface, what URL shows up on top?

The URL should be something like https://us1.alteryxcloud.com/cloud-portal/?workspace=my-workspace

Here the target URL would be https://us1.alteryxcloud.com  or  https://my-workspace.us1.alteryxcloud.com  ( https://<workspace>.<region>.alteryxcloud.com )

First, try pinging the target URL, you can do this via the following command


ping https://us1.alteryxcloud.com


Try running the following command from the same desktop that the Telemetry tool is running from.


curl 'https://us1.alteryxcloud.com/v4/people/current' -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'


if your API / Bearer token is abc123 then the curl command would be


curl 'https://us1.alteryxcloud.com/v4/people/current' -X GET -H 'Authorization: Bearer abc123'


This will let us validate if the target URL and bearer are correct. The command will list your user information


wrong region

If the bearer token is for a different region than the target URL, you will get an error similar to the following. Here I replaced https://us1.alteryxcloud.com with https://eu1.alteryxcloud.com


"exception": {
"name": "InvalidAccessTokenException",
"message": "Invalid access token",
"details": "Failed to find the access token with tokenId xxxxxxx"


Keep in mind that the API tokens are based on the regional AAC instance. So if you are in EU1 region, you cannot use the US1 region and vice versa.


invalid token

If the used API token is wrong or has a typo, then you will get the following error


"exception": {
"name": "InvalidAccessTokenException",
"message": "Invalid access token",
"details": "Failed to decode the access token"


target cannot be reached

If the target can not be reached, you will get an error message like the following after some time. The initial ping test should have failed in this case as well


curl: (28) Failed to connect to us111.alteryxcloud.com port 443 after 75025 ms: Couldn't connect to the server


Let me know if this helps and what your test results are. It does sound like either the token or the URL is not working


Side note on the CuRL commands above, OOTB Windows shell /Powershell requires double quotes.

Apologies for missing that in the example.

curl "https://us1.alteryxcloud.com/v4/people/current" -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>"


for example


curl "https://us1.alteryxcloud.com/v4/people/current" -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer abc123"

5 - Atom

Hi @sfcyris,


Thanks for the quick response, I am successfully able to ping but had to remove https: before it


On running the same curl command as mentioned above within double quotes one after another I got two errors :






Can you please suggest the cause of this error.






Hi Ady,


if I use an expired token, it usually returns the following


curl "https://us1.alteryxcloud.com/v4/people/current" -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer XXXexpiredTokenXXX"

"exception": {
"name": "InvalidAccessTokenException",
"message": "Invalid access token",
"details": "The access token has already expired. Please generate a new one"


could you provide the full curl command you use for testing? Please replace  the Bearer token with xxx
Also, what is the output of the following command?


curl --version


Hi @Ady2308 ,
I think I found the reason for the observed behavior.
When I use an OAuth2 token, I receive the same behavior.

"exception": {
"name": "InvalidAccessTokenException",
"message": "Invalid access token",
"details": "jwt expired"


Instead, you have to use Static Access Token as outlined in https://help.alteryx.com/aac/en/platform/profile/preferences-page/access-tokens-page.html#access-tok...

Here are the steps to generate the Static Access Tokens

- Go to your user preferences at https://us1.alteryxcloud.com/cloud-portal/preferences/profile

- On the right-hand side, click on Personal Access Tokens to expand

- On the right-hand side, click on Static API Access Tokens and create a token on that page