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Charlotte, NC

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3/21 - Charlotte-Greensboro Q1 2017 Alteryx User Group Meeting

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Tentative Agenda: 

12:00pm-12:30pm: Brown Bag Lunch & Networking

12:30pm-1:00pm: Alteryx For Good Week/Alteryx Grand Prix

  • Alteryx For Good - Alteryx is giving User Groups an opportunity to help their communities. Alteryx will give a license to a charitable organization of our choice (operating income under 10M) and we can volunteer our time to help them solve problems with Analytics or volunteer in other ways. Please come to the meeting with suggestions and we will select an organization at the meeting!
  • Alteryx Grand Prix 2017 - This year Alteryx is changing the format and User Groups will select team of three. This team will compete at Inspire Last Vegas, June 5-7. Teammates will each have a speciality topic - Favorites Categories, Spatial, and Predictive. If you are interested in competing, please try to attend the meeting and come prepared to present with a sample workflow in your topic of choice.

1:00pm-1:45pm: 11.0 Release (Tentative)

1:45pm-2:30pm: Open working session, if you have questions or problems bring them to the meeting and we can solve them together

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

UPDATE: The 11.0 Product Presentation will be conducted by @KatieH and @KathyD! Thank you!


RSVP's are still being accepted. Hope you can make it out!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks  @LaurenU! @KatieH  and I are excited to come spend some time with our  Charlotte-Greensboro  customers!  


In addition to walking through the roadmap  and answering any questions you may have - we're  looking for  usability  feedback on an exciting new feature we're working on  (hint: WYSIWYG +  report layout).   


We  would love to hear from as many of our NC customers  as we can, so please be sure to register to attend!   See you next week. 





Kathy Davies | Sr. UX/UI Designer
Direct: 720.259.0597 | Mobile: 316.617.5930
Email: kdavies@alteryx.com | www.alteryx.com