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Welcome to the Brussels Alteryx User Group

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Welcome to the Alteryx User Group for Brussels, BE and the surrounding area. 


I'm excited to get this community up and running so we can all meet and share ideas. Please take a moment to answer these questions so we can get to know one another. 


1. What is your name, and what industry do you work in?

2. What was your Alteryx WOW moment (the moment you realized how awesome and powerful Alteryx is)?

3. What are you looking to get out this user group? Is there something in particular you'd like to learn, any areas where you want to advance your skills, or are you just excited to network with other Alteryx users?

7 - Meteor

Looking forward to it, share use cases, technical tips and tricks!!!

7 - Meteor

- I am Jef, I work in a Digital Marketing agency, my Alteryx focus is getting heaps of data out of a variety of online services to ease the process of going from just data to insightful reporting, oh that and creating nice viz's :)


- Having worked with node-based software before ( AnalyticsCanvas), my  WOW-moment was the first time I opened Alteryx and imagined the implications of being able to define your own blocks and macros.


- Hoping to learn from human- to human interaction, see other people working with alteryx and expand my "data-horizon", especially interested in  connecting to API's and getting useful data out in an automated way


Hi y'all!

5 - Atom

Hi all,


good to see some Brussels representation here in the Alteryx Community and nice to meet you all.


Brief introduction: Bram Pauwels, working as a policy manager and in policy impact analysis. I've been pioneering and self-starting with R for the last year. The way Alteryx is able to automate so many complex processes, which would take me heavy coding in R is sure-thing a wow-moment.


Here to advance my skills and to tailor Alteryx to the use for policy analysis.


Are there other politically-focused Alteryx users in this group?


In any case, am up for a chat, or even a coffee in BXL.





10 - Fireball

Welcome @brampauwels  ! 


Nice to see our community growing


I never heard about Alteryx being used in the Political field, but I would definitly love to hear more about that