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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

This year’s Inspire conference theme is “” – recognition of the incredible contributions that many people are making within their organizations, and the recognition and career advancement that comes with that. Nowhere is that spirit more alive than within our Alteryx ACE program, which we launched at Inspire 2014 to publicly recognize the most influential and supportive Alteryx advocates.


As Dean mentioned in his keynote today, just being one of the world’s best Alteryx users doesn’t necessarily guarantee you a spot as an ACE. There are several critical tasks you must perform in order to get yourself noticed:


  1. You have to teach as much as you learn. Be active in the Alteryx Community to help new users become productive, and all users to develop innovative uses for Alteryx.
  2. You need to socialize your victories. Share your accomplishments for the benefits of others in the Alteryx Analytics Gallery. In addition, be an advocate for Alteryx on social networks like Twitter and LinkedIn, and a reference in the press and with customer-facing assets. It can’t be a victory if you don’t share it.
  3. You have to give back to your community in meaning ways. You have incredible skills as a data analyst – the types of skills that so many not for profit organizations so desperately need. We launched the Alteryx for Good program today to help you get started on that journey.


The following people have been added to our ACE program because they personify everything the ACE program is and the goals I’ve outlined above.


Cathy Bridges


 Motorcar Parts of America, Inc.


Cathy Bridges

Senior Merchandising Analyst, Motorcar Parts of America


Cathy helps internal customers and partners make better decisions and prepare for market trends.! I love helping as many people as I can, and I especially enjoy working with newcomers to Alteryx. I have a personal goal to get more ‘correct answer' badges!"


Alex Huang

Hyundai Motor America


Alex Huang

Assistant Manager, Quality Planning & Analysis, Hyundai Motor America


Alex uses Alteryx as his playground for exploring data, fast prototyping, and generating insight.! I'd like to be a part of the Alteryx/Orange County, CA user group meetings and help others solve problems using Alteryx. I'd also love to partake/organize an ACE Grand Prix!"


Patrick McAuliffe



Patrick McAuliffe

Drug Diversion Analyst, Meijer


With the use of Alteryx, Patrick has been able to more quickly detect and resolve issues of theft, fraud, and other means of drug diversion.! I want to help new users understand that, with Alteryx, you can expect to get more from your data. We're not in Microsoft Excel anymore. If you have a set of data and know what insight you want to gain from it; you will get there with Alteryx. Sometimes all it takes is creativity."


Jack Morgan


Charles Schwab


Jack Morgan

Business Intelligence Manager, Charles Schwab


Jack is on the lookout for those 'impossible' tasks that he solves for with Alteryx.! I want everyone who has ever seen Alteryx Designer to know that they need it... whether they know it or not. I want analysts, data scientists, people managers, technologists and strategists to know that Alteryx is a real game-changer, it isn't going away any time soon, and it will soon be in every facet of their business. I want anyone that uses Alteryx to know that they are on the front lines to change their business for the better and that we, as ACEs, are here to help them make that happen. As long as those that are empowering, feel empowered themselves, I'll know that I've done my job as an ACE.”


John Schneider


Sentry Insurance


John Schneider

Data Architect, Sentry Insurance


John uses Alteryx to develop custom solutions to otherwise intractable problems.


"! In addition to helping answer straight-forward questions, I'm looking to share what I know about SDK development in order to develop custom solutions to otherwise intractable problems and by sharing the interesting ways to utilize the predictive capabilities of Alteryx."


Brandon Sharbo


Clayton Fixed Income Services


Brandon Sharbo

Sr. Business Intelligence Data Analyst, Clayton Fixed Income Services


Brandon uses Alteryx for process automation and application development to make him a hero with his team.


"! I would like to help people learn how to use Alteryx as an ETL tool for database writing, as I feel it is a very useful ETL tool in the analytics process. Users can also benefit by knowing how to build very re-usable macros used across multiple workflows and help process efficiency. Some examples would include “Compare macros” that compare two flows and return all differences found as an example. As a ‘client' of Alteryx, I can't wait to submit product enhancements to the Idea Center based upon our user experience with Alteryx."


Michael Treadwell



Michael Treadwell

Analytics Consultant, InterWorks


Michael works with clients to deliver Alteryx training, implementation, and workflow development.


"! As an extension of my role at InterWorks, I aim to empower the community to solve real-world business questions with Alteryx. I focus on creating workflows and macros that facilitate better access to data and writing blogs that go in-depth on common stumbling blocks for new users. My goal is to help users spend less time on the ‘how' to answer a question and more time actually solving the problem with Alteryx."



I am truly excited to welcome these seven new people to our ACE program. When you see them around Inspire 2016 this week, please make sure to congratulate them for a job well done, and for the work they’re about to undertake as advocates for Alteryx and self-service data analytics.


For more details on the Alteryx ACE program and the full list of Alteryx ACE members, visit the ACE program website.

Olivia Duane
Chief Advocacy Officer

Olivia Duane Adams (Libby) is the chief advocacy officer (CAO) and co-founder of Alteryx, and one of only a handful of female founders to take a technology company public, along with her founding counterparts, Dean Stoecker and Ned Harding. Libby’s vision and leadership in the creation of the world’s leading data science and analytics community is a key factor in the company’s 24-year success. She is responsible for strengthening upskilling and reskilling efforts for Alteryx customers to enable a culture of analytics, scaling the presence of the Alteryx SparkED education program and furthering diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Olivia Duane Adams (Libby) is the chief advocacy officer (CAO) and co-founder of Alteryx, and one of only a handful of female founders to take a technology company public, along with her founding counterparts, Dean Stoecker and Ned Harding. Libby’s vision and leadership in the creation of the world’s leading data science and analytics community is a key factor in the company’s 24-year success. She is responsible for strengthening upskilling and reskilling efforts for Alteryx customers to enable a culture of analytics, scaling the presence of the Alteryx SparkED education program and furthering diversity and inclusion in the workplace.