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We are excited to announce the integration between Alteryx Analytics Cloud (AAC) and Alteryx Auto Insights datasets, allowing our customers to leverage the full suite of connectivity options available within AAC as source data for Auto Insights. In addition, users will be able to view, use, and administer their Auto Insights datasets throughout the Analytics Cloud Library, Schedules, and Plans.


Streamline the journey from Data to Insights by using your data from Analytics Cloud within Auto Insights in minutes.


This integration with Analytics Cloud provides value to users at all levels throughout your organization: 


  • For the Data Governance Team:  You are now able to leverage the full suite of 70+ connectivity options available within Analytics Cloud for use in Auto Insights, including Databricks Unity Catalog, Amazon S3, Google BigQuery, PostgreSQL, Salesforce, and more.

Furthermore, Database Connections can be configured centrally and shared with selected users, allowing them to use these Connections for multiple Datasets without entering credentials each time.


  • For the Data Administrator(s): Auto Insights dataset refresh schedules can now be administered within Analytics Cloud, allowing a centralized view of schedules for all assets and the ability to configure multiple refresh schedules for each Auto Insights dataset.

Through the integration with Plans, Data Administrators can now create a task to refresh their Auto Insights dataset on the successful execution of an upstream cloud Workflow so that data in Auto Insights is automatically refreshed as soon as new data is available.


  • For the Analyst: Auto Insights datasets are now shown within the Analytics Cloud Library, allowing centralized management alongside all other Apps, including Sharing, Scheduling, and creating a Mission in Auto Insights.

Easily understand the source of each Auto Insights dataset – whether it’s sourced from a file upload or via a connection from either Analytics Cloud or Auto Insights Admin Portal, a synthetic dataset generated via Playbooks, or imported from Designer via Auto Insights Uploader tool – as well as who they’ve been shared with, now available via the Datasets page in Auto Insights.


How does it work? 


There are two ways to import data from Analytics Cloud into Auto Insights:


  1. By starting with data from Analytics Cloud, users with the Auto Insights Creator role can select “Use in Auto Insights” on their chosen dataset from the AAC Data page, which will launch Auto Insights and creation of a new Auto Insights dataset in one click.
  2. From within Auto Insights, users with the Auto Insights Creator role can select “Create Dataset” from the Datasets page, presenting a list of Analytics Cloud datasets that can be used within Auto Insights with a single click.


After selecting “Create Dataset,” Auto Insights will begin importing and analyzing the data from Analytics Cloud. You can hover your mouse cursor over the Analyzing… status to see the ingestion progress.


Once the import is complete, the Analyzing… status will clear, indicating that the dataset is ready to use. Clicking on the blue hyperlink will select this dataset and navigate to Missions.


If your new dataset requires a scheduled data refresh so that new data is imported into Auto Insights automatically, this is directly available via the Schedule option via the 3-dot menu or via the Analytics Cloud Library.


Similarly, if you decide to share your dataset with other users so that they can also view and create their own Missions, this is available via the Share option via the 3-dot menu, or via the Analytics Cloud Library.


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What other capabilities are available?


Datasets imported from Analytics Cloud offer their Owners/Editors advanced capabilities not previously available for Auto Insights datasets, including:


  • Streamlined data ingestion experience.
  • Manually trigger a “one-shot” refresh action to import the latest data from an Analytics Cloud dataset into Auto Insights.
  • Centralized configuration of Database Connections, allowing multiple Datasets to leverage a common Connection without entering credentials each time.
  • Configure multiple refresh schedules per dataset (using Analytics Cloud Schedules).
  • Use the output of a Designer Cloud workflow directly within Auto Insights.
  • Orchestrate dataset refresh on the success of other Analytics Cloud tasks using Plans.




Datasets can now be created directly from an Analytics Cloud dataset with streamlined ingestion and additional capabilities not available to existing Auto Insights datasets created in the Auto Insights Admin Portal.


Not only does this provide for a wealth of additional connectivity options and improved scheduling capabilities, but the integration with Analytics Cloud also allows Data Administrators to leverage the capabilities of other Cloud Applications, including Designer Cloud and Plans, to automate the data preparation, blending, and analysis activities to streamline the journey from data to insights.