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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I just returned from the TDWI conference in San Diego, where Alteryx was platinum sponsor of the BI Executive Summit, and I was part of a panel discussing what comes next in BI technology. My colleagues from IBM and Information Builders had some great points to make, but the thing that struck me was the level of concern from audience members on how they could actually get value from Big Data.


Some were looking to address this with very traditional methods - get it into their data architecture, control and tame it, and then use their existing tools to get insight. Others were taking a more pragmatic approach and recognizing that they had to change how they thought about data, its management, and at what point you actually let business decision makers use it.


At Alteryx we believe that taking this pragmatic approach is key to getting at the value question. Not all data is equal in the eyes of the master data management overseer. We believe in Humanizing Big Data by getting it into the hands of the business along with the rest of the important data and then telling the stories that only Big Data can reveal. Making this easy is what will make Big Data valuable.


Check out our latest Webinar on Humanizing Big Data and the benefits of Big Data Analytics.


Paul Ross
Vice President of Product and Industry Marketing