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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

After careful consideration of the most recent COVID-19 developments along with our continued focus the health and safety of everyone, internally and externally, who are involved in our events – we have decided to postpone and relocate our inaugural ANALYTICON experience. 


This inspired event for data people will now be held on January 18-21, 2021 at the Mandalay Bay Hotel & Conference Center in Las Vegas – with all the rich content, festival-like programming, and opportunities for participants to be themselves, learn, connect and have the fun that ANALYTICON 2020 promised. 


We hope that this gives everyone time to focus on their own recovery efforts.  


Analyticon 2021 will begin on January 18, which is a national holiday in the U.S. celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. – and we understand that many companies and individuals observe this holiday. Analyticon is designed to bring data people together, embrace our diverse backgrounds, and create shared experiences. We hope you will join us in celebrating Dr. King and how important diversity and inclusion are in the global movement that is data analytics. 


In the meantime, we want to remain optimistic. Optimistic that this will pass. Optimistic that this data community will look after each other and reunite soon in Las Vegas. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions regarding registration or the program.


~ The Alteryx Global Events Team

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Hello, everyone, this is a great step consideration diseases worldwide.


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

COVID-19 UPDATE: For complete details, go to


With the safety of everyone in mind, and the uncertainty of what lies ahead, we are proactively choosing to cancel the upcoming Analyticon in January. For now, we shift our focus to rehabilitating our families, communities and country. 


Looking forward, we’ll set our sights on seeing you all next summer in Dallas for the long-awaited launch of Analyticon, June 7-10, 2021. 


Your current registration has been automatically transferred to the Dallas event. If you would like a refund instead, we totally understand and are more than happy to help. Please email us at by August 1, and we’ll take care of the refund request. 



The Alteryx Global Events Team