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Starring: New Language Toggle and Customizable Tool Palette 

The excitement is real, everybody! A long-awaited feature, the Language Toggle, went live with the 2020.1 release and has been one of the highest requested additions from our international community. We’ve taken feedback and suggestions from various customer and partner meetings, from our global sales leaders who interface with customers around the globe, and we’ve even seen this incredible idea come up in the Community Ideas forum  


With our latest release, say adios to having to uninstall and reinstall Designer to work faster and more comfortably in your preferred language. With this update, you’ll enjoy having all eight of our supported languages included in one Designer install. Experience the entire interface update automatically when you click on the new globe icon in your menu bar and select a new language to analyze in. 


Do you work in Japan or France but have colleagues in the U.S. that you need to collaborate with or present to on a frequent basisNo problem. Easily toggle your Designer interface to a different language to accommodate to the language preference of your audience in order to team up via screen share or present a workflow you’ve built. If your organization is growing into global marketsAlteryx is here to break down barriers so everyone can work together smoothly and get to the answer faster, allowing you to achieve more together. 


Empowering those who take part in their organizationculture of analytics should happen every step of the way, and we are striving to ensure that every user, no matter their location or language preference, has a native experience with Alteryx. 


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Are you hesitant to change your language in fear that your tool palette will be instantly sorted in an order that is unfamiliar to you? Years of trained muscle memory thrown out the window?! 2020.1 is here to say, “Fear no more!” We have now integrated the ability to choose which languages alphabet you’d like your tool palette to be sorted byYou can choose to keep your tools sorted following the English alphabetical order while analyzing with an Italian interface if you so please to ensure you know exactly where to find a tool you need, right when you need it. We believe nothing should stand in your way from reaching your highest potential when you analyze.  


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简体中文 — Navigate Designer in Simplified


Chinese, Our 8th Supported Language! 

Introducing Simplified Chinese as the eighth official language that we support in Designer. Get to solving with this new language today by either selecting Simplified Chinese at install or via the new globe icon available in the menu bar. We are thrilled to bring all our users this new language addition because it is the most spoken language worldwide, and we know how many users will be able to enjoy solving with Alteryx because of it. 


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It’s safe to say that looking back on the last decade, we’ve made huge strides in the way we unify our world through analytics  and we’re just getting started. Download our latest 2020.1 release today to begin solving with some of these new updates to your favorite analytics software, and collaborate with your global organization to make better, data-driven decisions.