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mq image-large.pngThere has been a shift in organizations around analytic responsibility and involvement.  With the shortage of true data scientists, organizations, and more importantly analysts, have had to adapt and integrate more data science and advanced techniques into their day-to-day responsibilities -  hence the knowledge worker/ data analyst growing in the ability to leverage self-service offerings to include more advanced analysis.


Over the years, the Alteryx platform has been built to be focused on making the analytic experience and process easier for these “knowledge workers” to deliver the impact that the business requires.  At the same time, Alteryx continues to develop and support the needs of data science teams, with a flexible and robust platform to deliver the analytical models necessary to make strategic decisions.


With that, I am honored to announce that Gartner has positioned Alteryx as a “Challenger” in its Magic Quadrant for Data Science Platforms. The MQ research is the direct result of comprehensive surveys of thousands of analytics professionals, including some of our tremendous Alteryx customers.


We believe our approach and strategy for moving customers from self-service data preparation to predictive analytics is what is really going to drive change in organizations.  Getting the data right is the first and most important step in the analytic process.  Once that is right, then moving into more advanced analytics is only logical. 


To learn more about why we were positioned by Gartner as a ‘Challenger‘ for the first year, and learn more about the market for advanced analytics, download a complimentary copy of the Gartner 2017 Magic Quadrant for Data Science Platforms today.


Matthew Madden
Director, Product Marketing

Matt Madden is a Director, Product Marketing at Alteryx. Matt has over 16 years of experience in the analytics and enterprise software industry. During his career he has held roles in sales and marketing, both with the same goal, to help organizations realize the power and benefits that analytics can have on their business.

Matt Madden is a Director, Product Marketing at Alteryx. Matt has over 16 years of experience in the analytics and enterprise software industry. During his career he has held roles in sales and marketing, both with the same goal, to help organizations realize the power and benefits that analytics can have on their business.