
News, events, thought leadership and more.
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

I’m excited to announce that Alteryx is the latest company to join The Marketing Cloud™.   This will enable us to bring analytics leadership to a wider range of marketing business units, but what that really means is that marketing groups will have access to more insight on how their organization can leverage marketing analytics to make programs more effective. 


Why are marketing analytics important, and what can you do with them? Using analytic insights will help marketing to be more efficient – maintaining greater customer loyalty, working on effective promotions, even predicting what customers need to help your brand stay top of mind for them.  Here is a short video that highlights different industry leaders and what they’ve learned from customer analytics


For those of you not familiar with The Marketing Cloud™, it is comprised of marketing-focused SaaS (software as a service) companies that want to help leading marketing organizations innovate and disrupt their industries with the latest in technology.  This could be from driving increased revenue, improving ROI or delivering quicker time-to-value for customers – all ways to help you put your organization on top. 


To learn more about it, join me and the other members of The Marketing Cloud™ on July 18th for a virtual conference entitled, ‘TRENDS: 14 Sessions of Customer Examples and Best Practices.’  I will be presenting on trends in customer analytics during a 10:30 a.m. PDT session, and then I’ll be staffing our booth afterwards for any questions that you might have. 


Register here to attend this virtual conference on customer analytics.  



Bob Laurent

Director of Industry Marketing