Alteryx for Good

Get Involved in our Tech for Good Efforts

5 - Atom

Thank you to those who were able to join our Alteryx for Good Exploration Call earlier today. If you are interested in getting involved in our Tech for Good efforts, please comment below with which areas interest you.


  1. Share your nonprofit use cases with us. We love to hear how you are using your Alteryx skills to serve nonprofits around the world.
  2. Let’s Collaborate. We are always looking for opportunities to partner with our user community to make our software available and accessible to all.
  3. Use Your Skills To Give Back. We’d love to learn how you are using our product to change the world and your communities.


If you’d like to get in touch to talk about anything related to Tech for Good please reach out to Lori Harder, Manager, Social Impact Global Programs  


@Mjohnce@Matt_Davis@Malvim@Alayna@bargavi_sreedhar@jdminton: Amazing!! What would be most helpful for next steps? Do you all have any ideas on how we could use Alteryx to serve the community? Any data projects you've been dreaming up or nonprofits you know need help? I can also share a few nonprofits in our program that would love help. The options are endless ;) 

12 - Quasar

I was thinking along the lines of training for nonprofit personnel and developing desired projects for nonprofits. I could also help with designing data analytic projects or continuous monitoring analytics. To be more detailed would require knowing the nonprofit industry or seeing some sample data. I currently work in the risk control area, but have extensive experience in operational and financial analytics.

6 - Meteoroid

@Iharder_AFG I would love to partner with non-profits in your program and develop or help them develop analytical solutions using Alteryx.

5 - Atom

Interested in 2 and 3

6 - Meteoroid

Lori, are you able to provide an initial list of non-profits in the program to get started?  I'll ask around the community we have here in Minneapolis / St. Paul as well.

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

@AFG_Team , @lharder_AFG  - Interested in 2 and 3 ,Do we have any opportunities for maveryx based in Australia?We would love to get involved in as part of the user group as well.

Alteryx ACE | Sydney Alteryx User Group Lead | SparkED Contributor and Mentor
8 - Asteroid

Sorry for the delayed reply! But yes it be nice to reach out to nonprofts or NGO's and see how we could jump in, but I do not have any specific orgs in mind yet. Maybe something like this link where the Chicago Dept. for Health used some predictive analytics to identify possible lead poisoning in the communities.


@jdminton@bargavi_sreedhar, @Mjohnce let me pull a list of a few nonprofits who just entered our program over the last month. I am sure they would love help! Would the best place to post those be here? 


@ramesh_neel : Yes! I actually have a nonprofit in Australia who was looking for help. Is this something you'd want to take to your User Group? If so, happy to make the connection :) 



Nonprofit: OzHarvest Food Bank (we leveraged OzHarvest use cases for the Inspire Grand Prix in Las Vegas)

Where They Need Help:

We’re basically trying to scrape information out of photos we capture daily, to find out know what company logos are on our vehicles. Each day our drivers complete a vehicle checklist where they upload 4 photos of the truck – front, left side, right side, back. These photos are then stored in our data warehouse, where we can access them in case we need to monitor for damage. We thought we might be able to use these photos to solve a business problem of not knowing exactly what corporate sponsorship photos are on each vehicle across the country. We’ve seen computer vision tech used to scan photos, then use ai to learn what images it’s looking for. Nigel was looking into solutions, and found Alteryx has some capabilities in this space. We’re just not sure how it all works? Happy to set up a call if easier – or we may be completely off target here! Happy to be told that if so. Ha.”


Example of images and logos below







@Alayna , that would be great. We are a very small team so finding nonprofits to join our program is a big hurdle. If you are interested in reaching out to a few perhaps we could put together a template? Happy to send program resources as well :)