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v3 API workflow delete - response code 500

7 - Meteor



I'm using the REST API to do some auto clean of our Alteryx Server (Gallery), to remove too old workflows (with some other criteria as not scheduled,..).


It's working well in our Gallery DEV server.

But on our Staging/Testing server, not.

On the call of the API to delete a workflow with it's workflow id, it's not working.





So I test directly with the webapi//swagger/ui/index#!/Workflows/Workflows_DeleteWorkflow  on my Staging server,

connect wit my API key & secret

put the workflow id to delete



I get a response code 500

and a response body


  "message": "An error has occurred."


I do not really understand why.


If someone can help?





8 - Asteroid

Per my knowledge, Response code 500 means - the object is corrupted. You can delete the workflow from mongo DB. If you are not aware of the process, I'd suggest you to reach out to support and perform the same while they are present in the call. 

7 - Meteor

Hello, I think no, else lot of my workflows are corrupted...

Also I can delete a workflow from the admin part of the Gallery, workflows, select the one I want to delete, and using the delete button.

It delete without any error..

6 - Meteoroid

forceDelete=true might be causing unexpected issues. Try removing this parameter to see if it changes the outcome.

5 - Atom

hi, did you ever resolve this? we have the same issue - most API calls are fine, but delete gives a 500 error
-> trying to delete a non-existent workflow gives a different error
-> as does trying from a user with insufficient perms
-> the workflow can be deleted as usual via the gallery UI
-> same issue with force = true / false / not specified
edit: maybe a version issue?? - server v: 2022.1.1.42619
-> looks a bit like this issue: 
TCPE-858 GCSE-1759