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Would like to automate workflows

7 - Meteor



I'm looking for ideas on how to automate a series of workflows. I would like for a workflow to start as soon as a file is dropped into a folder and then subsequent workflows are run after that. 


The way I'm thinking about doing it: I have a python tool with the watchdog package installed to monitor folders for events. Once a file is dropped, I then call a function that runs a bat file that calls the AlteryxEngineCmd and runs a specific workflow. The workflow would be constantly running on Alteryx.


Using AlteryxEngineCmd would require the workflows to be saved locally though, right? Can I use AlteryxEngineCmd for workflows in Gallery? If not, any suggestions on getting this process fully automated?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @fiddycodes ,


Yes, using command line would require your workflow to be in a local folder. 

Another option is to have a python script + Gallery APIs to call a workflow.



Fernando Vizcaino