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Workflows using %temp% with Assigned Worker fail but work with Unassigned Workers

7 - Meteor

tsia.  but %temp% is [Engine.TempFilePath] in the formula and %temp% in the path to the Run Command.


I have a workflow that grabs hyper files from the Tableau server using the tabcmd(and executable from Tableau) and the Run Command tool.  The tabcmd has the file location that you want to save the file to and I'm using the TempFilePath to create the Run Command.  I follow it up by using the Input Data Tool to open up the Hyper file.


It works correctly on Designer and if it's run without assigning a worker.  

If I assign a worker (we have two and I've tried both) then it fails at the Input Data Tool with the message at the bottom.  

You can see from the screenshot that it's check  when unassigned and lightingwhen assigned.


Any ideas of how to debug this?





Record #1: Tool #146: Can't find the file: "E:\ProgramData\Alteryx\Service\Staging\2148_38bdefedbc4e4d50a36f1120981d6135\__StageTemp\Engine_7348_0867fb3c5a124f6a8b09370e0a8d9531~\Data\Extracts\EMEA_OPP Extract.hyper". Make sure the file path is correct.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @AlexApolloni 


Are you using the input tool or the Dynamic Input tool?


Could you please show how your tools are configured? I see a "\Data\Extracts" in the path, it would be good to understand how you're building that.



7 - Meteor

Hi @Thableaus 


I added a macro that does a directory listing of the the %temp% area and saves it on a network share and it looks like that 'tabcmd' isn't running correctly in the 'Run Command' tool since the datasource files aren't there when I run it from an Assigned Working (they are there with an unassigned worker).  


I'm using the Run Command example from Designer to set it up.  It looks like this.  (XXXXX for stuff that I'm hiding)


This is from the Formula tool that's creating the command being passed to the Run Command:


'echo f | "C:\Program Files\Tableau\Tableau Server\2021.2\extras\Command Line Utility\tabcmd.exe" get '+[DataSourceOnTableauServer]+' -f "'+ [Temp-Dest-Dir]+[DataSourceTDSX]+'" -u "XXXXXX\aapolloni" -p "XXXXXXX" -t "'+ [TableauServerSITE] +'" --server "" 1> '+[UNCLogFile]+' 2>&1 & echo "hello world"'


How I'm getting the DIR upstream for the formula.





Here I'm using %temp% but the documentation seems to indicate that it's the same thing. (and it works with the unassigned worker.  Also, the .bat files are showing in the the Dir Listing output.)


But to answer your questions, downstream I'm using an Input Tool.  The /Data/Extracts is where the .hyper file lives in .tdsx files.  (There's a 2nd Run Command that runs tar to unzip the tdxs and make the .hyper file available)




7 - Meteor

The answer is that tabcmd was only install on the main Gallery server and not on the Worker server.

I figured this out by running the "dir" command on both the unassigned worker (the main server) and the other other.

(And then talking to our IT Alteryx Server Admin who confirmed this.)

