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Workflow was Cancelled by Properties Setting

7 - Meteor

Hi All,


One of my users is facing the issue in gallery but in designer the workflow is running fine.

Below is the error message from gallery. Would be happy to hear your thoughts, Thank you.


Tool Id 35: Error running DELETE FROM "T_EXPEDITOR": SQL compilation error:
Object 'T_EXPEDITOR' does not exist or not authorized.
00:00:52.456 - Error - Tool Id 35: Workflow was Cancelled by Properties Setting




14 - Magnetar

Is the user running the workflow from the Gallery the same as the one from Designer? Are you using that user credential when saving or running the workflow? Is that a Gallery Connection or not? What is the authentication type for this database connection? 

7 - Meteor

Hi gabrielvilella,


Thank you for replying. Yes the same workflow on both designer and gallery and she is using the same credentials while saving and running. it is a DSN connection which we have created in our servers and user in her system. Authentication is username and password.

14 - Magnetar

I feel like if the user was the same, there would not be this error. You can contact the DB admin and check which user is generating that request and if that user has the necessary permissions. 

7 - Meteor

DSN was created like a generic one with only server name, tracing but now we have created the DSN with all the parameters including, database, warehouse, role, schema in all the DSN's in the servers. we asked user to try, and it worked fine in gallery without error.