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Workflow publishing error

8 - Asteroid

Hi All,

Good Day.
I am trying to publish a workflow at Alteryx gallery. But the validation issue below.



Note :

8- Both left and right anchors are connected and also respective fields mapped on both sides.

WF was able to schedule and run successfully in the gallery, but I am not sure why it was showing this validation error. Thanks.


17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @bsanthoshpk ,


I`ve never seen this issue before, but my only guess is that it could be related to the input being a macro (data cleansing for example) or something like that.



Fernando Vizcaino

14 - Magnetar

I have seen this error before, I am almost certain that is related to a macro being connected to a join or somewhere earlier in the data stream, as @fmvizcaino mentioned, for some reason it is not retaining metadata information. One thing that you can try is enabling this option in interface designer, Output field changes based...



8 - Asteroid

@gabrielvilella  Thanks for the replay.


I am using macro before the join tool. I applied your provided solution. But still showing same issue. Is there any other option to overcome this issue. Thanks.

8 - Asteroid

@fmvizcaino Okay. Thank you.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @bsanthoshpk 


There are a few areas where the validation engine gives a different outcome than the execution engine - an example of this is when you use Python, you do sometimes get validation errors which are false alarms.

My suggestion would be to follow 2 paths in parallel:

  • If your workflow works, then try turn off the validation step when you publish - and if it works on the server then treat this like a false alarm
  • In parallel - package up a stripped down copy of this false alarm, and ship it off to - so that they can investigate and fix on a future release.

Have a good week
