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Workflow and Application on Gallery : how do you manage an environment/server ?

13 - Pulsar

Hello all,

How would you manage environment in such a configuration ?

-one server by environment (like DEV,PREX,PROD)

-we only have one datalake for all environments but different databases such as db_prod_sales, db_prod_marketing, db_dev_marketing, etc

-our assets are both workflow and application, we use mainly in-db connections but also in-memory aliases

-we use service accounts to connect to data.

-we use the Gallery

Best regards,


8 - Asteroid

Currently having DEV,UAT,PROD, only allow Artisan to save workflow to DEV. use customized workflow migration via Admin API to promote from DEV to UAT then PROD.

During promotion, we perform 'Find And Replace" for these environment related entries. eg: you could set up gallery data connection ( within code is aka <hashcdeline>) and you update the connection string so once migrate to higher environment , the code accessing the corresponding instance. 


Now we are exploring how to handle different environment without change code ( avoid the Find And Replace). one option out there is DCM but seem not able to cover all cases.