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Alteryx Server Discussions

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Workflow Results - Filtering failed Jobs

7 - Meteor

Hello all!


Is there a way to filter or at least sort Workflow Results by failed Jobs?


I have been looking for a way to do this but no luck and this is absolutely necessary for troubleshooting purposes and tracking purposes as we have a very high number of schedules, going manually though all the pages is a huge pain.





Hi @rmc,


Unfortunately, there is no way of filtering by failed jobs in Gallery.

However, the Alteryx Server Usage Reports - see this Help Doc page contains information about failed jobs.

See the Alteryx Downloads and Licenses portal to download and use the Alteryx Server Usage Report.





Michael Adler
Sr. Customer Support Engineer -- Knowledge Management Coach
Alteryx, Inc.

7 - Meteor

Thanks a lot for your reply @MichaelAd, much appreciated.

That's a real pity though that there is no such option, I am going to log an improvement as it does not seem to make much sense to actually have the info collected and available in the Gallery UI but not being able to use it because of the lack of a search option...