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Workaround importing not supported file format in Alteryx server (SAP DART)

5 - Atom



I am looking for an solution / workaround which allows me to to import or process data from a not supported file format on a workflow which is published on alteryx server.


This issue can be avoided on local designer workflows by importing the data as .csv via input tool and skipping a couple of lines.

Unfortunately this is not an option for workflows published on the alteryx server, since the data input via interface tools prevents the user from importing a "not supported file format".


Did anyone face this issue before and (hopefully) figured a way to fix it?

Any ideas / suggestions how to solve this issue without requiring a local designer or the SAP API are appreciated.


Best regards





14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar

Hey @Mike_RSM  

I don't have much experience with the SAP APIs; but a way I have worked around this before is the Blob Input tool.

If you can drop the file you need on a network drive, use the Directory Input tool in the workflow to pull the files from that path.

In your workflow you'd have to use something like a text input that filters to get the correct file.

Then, use that full path on  the Blob Input, and convert the Blob to text (usually UTF-8 works, but you might have to test a few).



5 - Atom



your suggested approach fixes my issue but it comes with a grain of salt - now I haveto play around with crosstab and text-to-column 😄

Thank you very much for your advice.