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What is active flag Alteryx Gallery Session Collection on MongoDB?

7 - Meteor

Could you please help me understand what is the significance of Active field on session collection of MongoDB. In what case the session if inactive?


Here is the description I found on Alteryx reference page:


'Active: (Boolean) Flag for whether the session is active.'


Hi @lagisettya I believe that would be indicating whether a particular gallery "session" so a browser window is active at the time or whether it has become inactive. I dug into this on my own Mongodb and this appears to be what that flag means. Are you seeing the same on your end?

7 - Meteor

Hi @PeterA1 I keep my session idle most of the time but I cant see proper inactive entries. The real issue is I saw an inactive entry for an employee after he left the org.


Hi @lagisettya, that sounds like its probably expected behavior - I would imagine employees who leave the firm would only have inactive sessions. Do you have an example? Essentially my read on it is that the Sessions schema should have any active or inactive sessions past and present. The users table, if you are using AD Authentication will likely have users who have left still in the mongo but of course if they are not in the AD anymore they would not be able to access the system 

7 - Meteor

Thanks for your explanation. Yes, we are using AD authentication and yes,only inactive sessions are created for employees who left the org. can you think of any example or case where Alteryx would make an inactive session entry?