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Using Render Tool in server to create multiple files

7 - Meteor

I'm using a render tool to compile data for officers and directors for 60 corporations. I need the render tool to output a new file for each company. I have this workflow working fine using designer.


I would like to publish this workflow to the server, which the workflow works as intended. The only problem now, the user has to download 60 files from server and eliminating some of the efficiencies gained from publishing to server. Besides, no one wants to do that.


Here is where I need help. I would like to create a way to save the render output files to the same file path as the "Officers & Directors.csv" file.


I have tried pulling the full filename into the data and feeding a dropdown menu interface tool that would change part of the file path. This works for outputting the files, but then I am losing the second table which contains the officers and directors info. I only see the company header. I created a scaled down sample workflow of what I'm trying to do, but now the tables render properly, but the same interface tool now won't change the file path.


If anyone has any ideas on how to make this work, please let me know. The obvious choice of course would be to use a folder browse, but that tool isn't allowed to run on server due to security and privacy issues. So I am looking for a workaround.


8 - Asteroid

Good question,

Is there a reason you're not using a network share? If you have it write output to the same folder every time, then you can just have the render tool configured like so.

14 - Magnetar

If I understood correctly, you just need to connect another action tool to the render and update it using a formula.

7 - Meteor

Thanks for the suggestion. We run this for different periods, which makes this one more step to complete, moving the files where they need to be saved. Not the end of the world of course, I was just trying to get a complete solution before going that route.

7 - Meteor

Thank you for taking the time to look into my issue. I have tried running this way, and I'm not able to get any files to create. Not sure what I'm doing wrong.