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Upload multiple .txt files to gallery

5 - Atom

Hi, I need to analyze multiple .txt files with the same layout but constantly changing names (during the time) I have the workflow done and working in alteryx desktop (used directory and dynamic input tools and folder browse is not supported in gallery) but it shows this error:


"Invalid directory <Folder route>.txt (or *.*) the system can not find the path specified"


any suggestions?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @sag if you want to continue using the directory tool in your workflow on the alteryx server you will need to work with the server admins and your IT in your organisation to grant access to that network drive on the Alteryx Server so it can access it. Otherwise you will have to go down the root of uploading a text file to the workflow via a filebrowse  for each file which doesn't sound like an optimum solution for your use case.