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Suppressing credential error upon saving workflow to private gallery

7 - Meteor

Is there a way to suppress the error received when you save a work flow to your private gallery for connections that the run as account does not have access?


Example: We are not using a run as account as we want only users that have actual access to SQL server databases to be able to run workflows that connect to them.  We have created and shared all our SQL server connections with all users.  By default, we require users to enter credentials to run work flows.  However, when you publish a work flow, it attempts to authenticate with the run as account, which does not have access.  This results in an error any time anyone uploads to the gallery with SQL server connections.  The workflow will run fine on gallery, as long as the user running it has the required database permissions for that particular work flow.


It's a minor inconvenience and at the moment an eduacation point to our Artisans but is there a way to suppress these errors?

14 - Magnetar
14 - Magnetar
When you save the workflow uncheck the box for validation before saving.