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Stop scheduled workflows from running during server upgrade

7 - Meteor



I am trying to stop scheduled workflows from running in a test server generating error messages all across when doing server upgrade. 


There is a setting under Worker (in config tool) "Allow machine to run scheduled Alteryx workflows". I thought it can be used to do what want so I UNCHECKED it and continued with the rest of the config and saved the settings. Then I reopened the config setting and found the above setting is CHECKED back automatically.  


Now I am wondering whether following will work and the worker will not even try any workflows to run.


My plan is to 

-UNCHECK "Run unassigned jobs"

-Enter something like shown below into  Job Tags 


Will this do what I want?





12 - Quasar

You  are on the right track when you deselected the Run assigned jobs.   If you   don't have  a node,  you don't  need to put anything  in the Job tags slot.

7 - Meteor

Thanks for the replies. Somebody suggested to setup the server excluding the WORKER portion so no worker to run the schedules. It worked however I saw the workflows still queued. Through MongoDB  (as_queues) I saw workflows has CreateDateTime as today and no CompletionDatetime. Status showed QUEUED. 

Since there is no worker configured nothing ran.


12 - Quasar

You  can delete or disable the schedules in  the Admin part of Gallery, along with removing jobs from the queue.   

11 - Bolide

The proper way to do this is to have a "maintenance mode" setting in the gallery to gracefully allow all jobs to finish, prevent logins from all sources, and schedules from running.


Extra points if Alteryx Designer says "the server is undergoing maintenance" and displays an additional admin message.