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Scheduling workflows with containers and interface tools

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


I have build a workflow where I start from "production" data.  I have the same workflow, but there I start from "test" data.  So all the manipulations/filters/.... are the same.  Just the input and output have a different name.


I have put my input+output from production in 1 container and the test input and output in another container.  With a radio button I can choose which data I want to run on the server.


Is there a way to schedule this workflow?  That at 8 am the production data is used and at 10 am the test data goes through the flow on a daily base.


Or any other ideas?  I do not want to have 2 separate workflows, if I update a tool in 1 I need to do exactly the same in the other.  Writing this, a macro might be a possibility, no?  But I'm not that experienced with them, for sure not on the server.  So other suggestions are welcome.


Kind regards, Tienemientje

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @Tienemientje 


You may be able to leverage a DateTimeStart() function to check what time the workflow starts at, and based on that drive the 8am vs 10am logic.