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Schedule | Occurrence description is not accurate and is confusing

8 - Asteroid



We have scheduled jobs that run in Korean time (+9 UTC). When we set these Schedules up they are in Korean time. When the Schedule is saved, the Occurrence description tries to convert this into our local time zone (+5 UTC) but the conversion is inaccurate and therefore confusing.


For example,

Recurring | Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday at 10:30AM Korea/Seoul +9 UTC displays as 

Occurrence: Days/Weeks: at 9:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (America/New_York)


Since +9 UTC is 13 hours ahead of +5 UTC, the correct conversion to display would be:

Occurrence: Days/Weeks: at 9:30 PM on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday (America/New_York)


See screenshots below:


Anyone else having this issue?occurance_issue_1.pngoccurance_issue_2.png





17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @JMB001 ,


There used to be a bug in 23.2 that was recently fixed, producing the opposite of the error you are mentioning, per image below:

Screenshot 2024-06-13 113341.png

Since timezones were recently added to the Server, this could be a bug, so I recommend opening a case ticket with Alteryx support to let them analyze it.



Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid

@STP Looping you in as possible bug in existing server deployment.